Chapter 27 - Adaline

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Adaline stared, mouth open staring at the scene before her. Elliot gawped back anxiously waiting for her response. From the corner of her eye she could see Mary and Dean, resting their head on their hands, watching her. Silence stretched between them. She wanted to say yes, was desperate for the words to escape her lips. I need to tell him. He has to know. But what if he changes his mind? What if he leaves me? A hand gently nudged her, Mary widening her eyes and nodding slightly in encouragement. Her mouth opened, ready to utter those two words. Ready to become Mrs Adaline Wilson. Instead, what tumbled out of her mouth left those in the room speechless.
"I'm pregnant,"

The boxed ring fell from Elliot's hand, landing softly on the floor beneath him. He blinked saying nothing. Glass shattered on the floor, the remnants of the wine Mary had been nursing. No one said a word. Adaline braced herself for Elliot to storm out. To be angry. To hate her. Heck; she wouldn't blame him. They'd not been trying for a child. She'd been careful with her contraceptive pill, taking it at 9am sharp every day without fail. She hadn't put two and two together at first, believing she'd simply caught a stomach bug. The lack of periods she had because of the pill meant she had had no indication something was array. When the sickness persisted she contacted the family doctor who passed her a urine bottle which she'd hidden in the sleeve of her jumper before undertaking the embarrassing walk past the busy waiting room to relieve herself. She'd almost fallen off her chair when he had announced so matter of fact that she was not unwell, but rather expecting.

"Someone say something," she begged, the silence suffocating her.
"I'll put the kettle on," Mary responded in her usual cheery tone. The three adults looked at her for a second before Dean laughed loudly.
"Congratulations you guys!"
Elliot remained silent, still on one knee. Picking the skin around her fingernails, Adaline could swear her heart was trying to escape. She felt sick, unsure what to say or do to make Elliot talk to her. I shouldn't have said anything. Not like this. She'd had a whole announcement in her mind, the image so very far from the reality she found herself in. She'd planned to have a baby vest made with "Hi daddy, I can't wait to meet you" embroidered on in black letters. She was going to place it in a small box with the positive pregnancy test, wrap it up and make a sort of treasure trail. She'd seen the idea on Facebook a few years prior and had thought it to be incredibly fun.

"Can someone help me up. My knees gone dead,"
In an instant Dean was at Elliot's side easing him from the floor, his knee cracking in protest. He collapsed in the chair, stroking his chin as Adaline watched him. Her throat began to close up, sick rising into her mouth. Here it comes.
She nodded silently analysing his expression.
"Are you sure"
"Yes, the doctor did a test last week,"
"How do you feel? What do you want to do?"
Adaline knew what she wanted to do. She'd dreamed for so long to be a mother, and though she truly loved Bonnielola she felt constantly reminded that she was not her biological mother and would never receive the same love as Laura did - not that she would expect any less nor would she begrudge either Laura or Bonnielola that fact. She wanted this pregnancy, even if it meant raising the child alone. How do you feel? Terrified. Adaline had been sick with the fear of losing another pregnancy, of hearing the three words that had previously sent her into turmoil. Of not being half the mother Dottie had been. Yes, Adaline was indeed terrified, but a flutter of excitement had begun to form as the news had sunk in.
"I want to keep it. I don't expect you to be involved if you don't want to. I won't chase you for anything," she hung her head, refusing to meet Elliot's eye as she spoke. He cleared his throat, taking her hand in his.
"Now why on Earth would I want that? No it's not something we planned but I'm not letting you do this alone. I knew the risks and I took the chance. It takes two to tango darling. It's just a bit of a shock that's all,"

His lips brushed her knuckles as he shuffled his chair closer. She half smiled up at him, waiting for a but to come.
"Do you know how far?"
Adaline shook her head. With a lack of periods to give guidance, she was completely clueless as was her doctor.
"I'm waiting for an appointment letter to find out how far. The doctor said I should get it within a few weeks,"
Elliot nodded once before standing.
"I'm going to be a dad!" He cheered raising a fist in the air. "Again!"
Dean clapped his back while Mary, swaying slightly, embraced Adaline.
"Oh this is all so exciting!" She squealed kissing her sister-in-law's cheek.

"Wait! Addie, you can't leave the poor man hanging," Dean scolded mockingly, thrusting the ring box back into Elliot's hand.
"Do I have to repeat my speech, or will you put me out of misery and say yes?" He winked taking her hand in his.
"Yes. A million yeses," Adaline gushed as the sapphire ring Dottie had left Elliot slid onto her finger. It was beautiful, the light glistening off the jewel. Mary poured three glasses of wine, sliding on each to Dean and Elliot. Raising it in the air she smiled brightly.
"To Elliot and Adaline. We hope your future is every bit as wonderful as you truly deserve,"
"Hear hear," Dean chimed drinking his glass in one large gulp.

Adaline stared at the ring that adorned her finger, fiddling with it her other hand resting on her stomach. Life was grand. Was perfect. Merry chatter floated up the stairs towards her. She had excused herself from the festivities, exhaustion taking its toll. Elliot had decided to remain with Mary and Dean, laughing drinking and enjoying himself. None quite ready to retire. She didn't mind. She'd get to sleep much quicker if Elliot passed out in a drunken stupor. Pulling the duvet up so it cocooned her, she smiled sadly. She wished Dottie were there to celebrate alongside them. She'd have loved it all, the family orientated woman that she was. A new son-in-law and new grandchild in one day. Her mother would have been straight on the phone to her friends gushing the news. Would have sat with her knitting needles and begun to work on socks and cardigans as she had when Mary was pregnant with Joshua.

Adaline, who hadn't thought about Christopher as much over the months, began to wonder how he would feel knowing the woman he loved was starting a new life with another man. Would you be hurt Chris? I'm sorry, I never wanted to hurt you. She choked as a sob escaped. Though she dare not say it aloud, she knew Christopher would always stake claim on a large piece of her heart. After all, he'd been the one to fix her when she couldn't mend herself. Movement in the window caught her eye. A lone robin hopped on the windowsill, seemingly watching her. It's a bit late for a robin to be out. She'd never seen one at night before and never this close. She watched it intently as a second joined the first. What was it Dottie had said to her about robins? Robins appear when loved ones are near. She smiled sadly as they flew away together.
"Bye mum. Bye Chris," she whispered into the night.

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