Chapter 6

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Another Wednesday meant a new episode of NXT 2.0 was coming and tonight promised to actually be worth watching. Creative has planned some great matches like Priscilla Kelly and Jacy Jane vs Io Shirai and Zoey Stark and a confrontation between Chris Shadows and Dexter Lumis. Truth be told, they actually had big plans for both sides of the roster and apparently the buildup for the next Takeover was set to begin tonight. Chris was walking around backstage with a soda in hand. He just wanted to pass some time without being in anyone's way. NXT's rebranding gave the brand a whole new vibe which didn't really click with him yet. Sure, all the new superstars that were around were fun and interesting, but that was about it. He took a good look around before deciding to take a seat on a nearby bench.

 He took a good look around before deciding to take a seat on a nearby bench

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Chris:" Out in the sun for just a minute too long and you got a sunburn. I knew I should've gone to the indoor pool yesterday."

The thing is that Chris didn't get sunburn very often, but his luck ran out in this case. He liked sunny weather every now and then, unless it caused any problems. And knowing that tonight wasn't going to get any easier either really didn't help.

Chris:" Summertime is the best they said. The sun is going to be awesome they said. No, you can't just slap every hater they said. Yeah yeah, I get it. Keep the Sinbather under control."

Chris sighed and looked at his phone for a moment, checking if he had any new messages or something. There wasn't anything going on either though, but he noticed that a certain redhead goth girl was practicing her stretches just a few feet away.

 There wasn't anything going on either though, but he noticed that a certain redhead goth girl was practicing her stretches just a few feet away

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Chris:" Lookin' smooth over there."

Priscilla:" Why did I expect you to watch?"

Chris:" Because you like my attention."

Priscilla:" Likewise, Chrisbo. Also it's night, what do you need sunglasses for?"

Chris:" Arena lights. Eventhough we're backstage, everything is bright as hell here."

Priscilla:" Fair point. It also seems like you get to take it easy tonight."

Chris:" No match, but I'm face to face with Dexter at around the halfway point of the show. Watch and learn, little lady."

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