Working Sick

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Clara sneezed and used what felt like the millionth tissue this morning, and she had only been working for a few hours. She turned her focus back to the legal document she was working on, but her fuzzy brain struggled to make out even the simplest of sentences. All Clara wanted to do was pour herself a sippy cup and snuggle under the blankets of her bed with her favorite stuffed animals and sleep, but that wasn't an option. Clara had spent her entire adult life working up to this. She missed too many things she wanted to do in order to get here. She wouldn't let a little head cold take it all away.

Clara sneezed again just as she heard another knock on her door. How embarrassing to have to let someone into the room while snot was dripping down her nose. She did her best to quickly clean it up before sniffling out "Come in!"

Her finance manager Nicky walked in. In addition to being the best finance manager in New York, Nicky was also a domme, and Clara's best friend. "What are you doing here?" Nicky said closing the door behind her.

"Working. Which is exactly what you should be doing." Clara croaked out. It was clear to hear how sick she really was.

"You're sick. You need to be resting."

"There's work to be done. I can't take the day off."

"If the company can't survive a week without you then you need to reevaluate the staff here. But what you really need is a daddy to make you rest."

"I can't find a daddy. And even if I could, it's just a little head cold. I'll be fine in a few days."

"That might be true if you went home and rested, but at the rate you're going, you won't get better until you find yourself in the emergency room. I was going to tell you this when we weren't at work, but you need it now. There's a website called '' where you can hire a dom. You need to check it out."

Though the idea did appeal to Clara, she had work that had to be done. "Did you need something Nicky or did you come in here just to bother me?"

"I need you to look over these financial reports and tell me what you think."

Clara sighed. Working was the last thing she wanted to do, but she was at work. She needed to do what needed to be done, and for now the finance manager needed her help.

By the time Nicky left Clara was getting ready to pack up and head home early. Or she was until she received five new emails in two minutes, three of which were marked urgent. It was well past dark when she got another knock on her office door.

"Come in!' She sniffled out again.

In walked Nicky with all her belongings ready to head home. "You need to headhome."

Clara sneezed trying to finish her email. "What time is it?" She asked not taking her eyes off the computer.

"Half past eight. You seriously need to check out that website. You should have gone home hours ago. You shouldn't have even came in today."

"I just need to finish this email." Clara said. But her friend was right. She needed help.

"promise me babe that you'll check this out. Because if you come in tomorrow I'll have to get HR involved."

Clara knew it was an empty threat. Nicky would get Human Resources involved, but HR wouldn't do anything, but she nodded anyway. Though HR wouldn't do anything, Nicky would. Nicky left after making Clara promise she would let her know when she had checked out the website.

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