lunch and work

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Ace sighed. Now that Nikki was gone it was time to get lunch for his charge. He had gotten squash soap and would make her some grilled cheese as well. He wasn't sure how much she would eat and it was important that she had enough to eat. He would adjust as necessary after today.

He heated the soup up and after applying the secret to a perfect grilled cheese, he brought the food to her. He was glad he found her kid plates. She was small and he didn't want to give her real plates.

"Food?" She asked grogily. Looks like she had just woken up.

"Yes food cupcake." He grabbed her lap desk and set her up to eat.

"Squash squash!" She cheered. She was so cute when she was small like this.

She reached for her spoon but Ace stopped her. "Let me feed you sweetheart. You're too little and sick to feed yourself. Let lion feed you."
He cooed.

She sniffed and nodded opening her mouth wide. He had to push down a chuckle at how purely adorable she was and then mentally shook his head. He was not trying to get attached. He had a job to do. Yet he couldn't help noticing how adorable she was opening her mouth wide as soon as she finished chewing. He alternated between soup and the sandwich until there were only a few bites left.

"Im full. Can I work now?" She asked.

Big Clara was back. He had promised she could work for an hour. "How are you feeling?" He asked.

He could see her thinking about her answers. "A little bit better." She answered honestly.

"After you take your cold medicine you can work."

"Do I have to?" She whinned.

"Thats the only way I will get you your laptop." He said pouring a small cup of red liquid. He had brought the medicine in with him so he could get her to take it.

She glared at him but took the whole cup before making a sour face at him. "Ick."

"Good job. I'm going to take your dishes and grab your laptop okay?"
She nodded and he cleared the lap desk. As he was setting the dishes in the sink his stomach rumbled reminding him he hadn't ate yet.

He sighed. Once she got started working he would make himself lunch.

He returned shortly with her laptop and set her up along with a timer for 60 minutes. He told her when the timer was up the laptop went away even if she was mid email.

Then he got his own lunch. He couldn't take care of her if he was dying from starvation.

He quickly made food for himself then took it to her room. He was annoyed that there was a desk in her room. It ment she worked far too often. But for now it was helpful. He did wonder why there wasn't a chair though. He just shook his head and got setup at the desk. After he finished his own food he started doing some work. He also had things that had to be done. Unfortunately there were always complaints to be delt with, most of which were about doms who wouldn't have sex with their clients, new opportunities to look at, and conventions to book tables at.
He couldn't help but chuckle when he found a complaint about him from yesterday.

Clara didn't even move. Work aholic. He couldn't blame her though. She did have only a short time to work.

He looked at the complaint. Of course he wouldn't have sex with her. He rolled his eyes and sent back the normal reply.

He kept working glad he was done with complaints after that. He did need to book an appearance at the ddlg/bdsm conference next month. It was great for business. And of course New York had huge conferences. Vegas was probably the only place bigger. He was hopping to announce his expansion to New Jersey then. His best friend had already agreed to move to New Jersey to run it. Just last year they went state wide. Now they were expanding to a new state. He hoped soon they would be nation wide. He was also scheduling interviews for next week for people from New Jersey. It would all work out well.

It wasn't long before the timer rang and Ace closed his laptop.

"Okay cupcake. Times up." He said.

"I just need to finish this email." Clara bargained.

"I know works important to you Clara, but I told you what when time is up, everything closes down. Even if you're mid email. Now if you get some rest, I'll let you work a little more before dinner, deal?" He asked.

She sighed but nodded and handed him her laptop. "Good girl. Now I will plug this in, but before I do that, would you like a movie on?" He asked.

"Mr Magoriums Wonder emporium!" She almost shouted. He was glad to see that she was feeling better, but getting loud and excited wasn't a good idea right now.

"Inside voice sweetie. Quiet voice." He said gently.

"Mr. Magoriums Wonder Emporium." She whispered. "Energy drink?" She asked slightly louder.

He sighed. He didn't like her drinking those, but she drank a lot of them. And he didn't want her going through withdrawals.

"After the movie you may have one sippy cup full and a two hour work period. Deal?" He asked.

"Deal." She said with a smile.

"Before we play the movie I want you to go put a diaper on. Or I can help you." He didn't want her to feel uncomfortable, but she hadn't used the bathroom yet and he knew she would need to soon. He was also hoping she would take a nap during the movie.

She blushed. "Its already dirty." She whispered.

"Cupcake why didn't you tell me?" He asked gently but firmly.

"I was embarrassed. I was hoping you'd leave during the movie and I could change it."

"You dint have to be embarrassed. You're a little. It's okay to use a diaper. Now would you like help changing it or would you like to do it on your own."

"On my own please."

"Of course princess. Now tell me where you keep your changing supplies and I'll go get them for you. Would you like a nice warm bath first?" He asked.

Clara thought about it. She had sneezed all over herself the past two days and her hair was a mess. It would feel nice to get clean. And she had been in the dirty diaper for almost two hours. She hadn't wanted to change herself during work time, but now she was starting to regret that. "Yes please."

"Of course little one."

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Oct 20, 2022 ⏰

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