first encounters

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Clara groggily awoke when her alarm went off. She instantly felt her sore tight throat and her stuffy nose and whinned. She was still sick, and feeling worse than before. All she wanted to do was snuggle up in her blankets and try to go back to bed.  That wasn't an option though. She looked at her clock and realized her temporary dom would be over in an hour.

She forced herself to get out of bed and dressed. She was too sick to want to shower this morning. Instead she got herself an energy drink, in a sippy cup, and some bacon. She sat on the couch with her laptop. She may be taking the day off, but there was still work to be done. She slowly forced her way through paperwork using her energy drink to keep her going.

When the doorbell rang she excitedly went to answer it. Even though she was drained her excitement gave her a temporary energy boost. She opened the door to see a big, tall man about her age.

"My name is Ace Blackwell. I'm looking for Clara stone."

"Thats me." She sniffled out opening the door more so that he could come in. Was this her new dom?

"Im from doms for hire. I'm your daddy for the week." He said walking into her living room. It may be her place, but it was clear he was in charge. But thats why he was here. To help take care of her. To be in charge.

She fallowed him to the couch and he gestured for her to sit.

"Thank you for choosing our company. As a token of our appreciation we have a gift for you." He said unzipping his suitcase. He pulled out the carefully made giftbag and handed it to her.

Clara squealed. And grabbed the cute dragon. Little Clara was easily brought out when she was tired or sick.

"Im glad you like it little one, but we need to talk about rules and what this week will look like before we can relax."

Clara pouted but nodded and summoned her adult self.

"Now in your bag is a list of rules you need to follow while under my care. We can adjust if necessary, but for now we're going to start here."

Clara sighed. As a CEO she loved rules. They were the foundation of order and order was the foundation of a good work ethic. As a little she found them obnoxious and in the way of all things fun.

They seemed fairly generic but she supposed that was because they were the same for every little his company watched.

1. Listen to your dom at all times
2. Treat your dom, yourself, and other with respect at all times
3. Ask before eating anything
4. Ask before using the oven stove or microwave.
5. bedtime is 11pm unless otherwise stated.
6. Other rules can be added as needed.

"Any questions?" Ace asked after Clara had time to read them.

She shook her head then preceeded to sneezed all over the sheet. She sighed. That was the 12 time in just over an hour. It was going to be a long day.

"Go lie down. I will clean this up." Ace ordered. She nodded and watch Ace take it to the kitchen and grabbed her laptop and headed to her bedroom. She was working on an email when Ace walked in and took her laptop.

"Hey!" She protested weakly.

"Did you or did you not request that I make you rest?" Ace asked closing the laptop.

"But..!" She tried to protest. She was resting! And her work was important.

"I'll ask again did you or did you not request make you rest?"

"Well I suppose but..."

"Yes or no little girl." He brought his daddy voice out weakening any resolve that she had.

"Yes." She sighed.

"Then here or your options. You can either let me help you rest or I can leave and refund you your money." She realized her problem. She wasn't being a brat. She just was not letting him do his job. It was clear he had no tolerance for that.

"Ill rest." She pouted.

"Good now tell me where the charger is and I'll plug this in. Maybe if you rest now and feel better later, after lunch I'll let you do work for an hour."

She told him how to get to her desk amd snuggled her bear while thinking of names for her new dragon.

He returned with her now almost empty sippy cup. "Tell me what was in here and I will refill it."

"My bang. I have more in the fridge."

"As in the energy drink?"

"The berry one." She mumbled not sensing his displeasure.

"You shouldn't be drinking energy drinks. Especially not when you're this sick."

He icky brain finally realized he was talking about taking her energy drinks away. She tried to bolt up in protest, but it looked more like a slow pushup. "You can't take my energy drinks away!"

He sighed. "Little girl whos in charge?"

"You." She grumbled.

"So who makes the rules."


"Little girl I really dont want to have to punish you when you're sick. But you need to learn how this is going to work. So I'll ask you again. Who's in charge."

Grumpy little Clara was out and all she wanted was another energy drink. "Poley." She held up a white polar bear to show who she ment.

He reached in his satchel bag and grabbed paper and a pencil. "Do you have a lap desk?"

Clara didn't say anything just pouted and held her bear.

"Clara it will be easier for you if you answer me."

She pointed to her closet and he found a pink folding lap desk and set it up for her. "Since you can't seem to wrap your head around what's going on I want 25 lines that say 'daddy makes the rules, I follow.' If you don't feel comfortable calling me daddy yet you may also call me lion. Are you big enough to spell?"

She thought for a second then shook is head. He wrote the sentence on the piece of paper. "Now I'm going to go fill your sippy with juice. I want to see lines written when I get back."

"No juice." She muttered. She djdnt have any. She liked juice, but there wasn't any in the house. "Hot cocoa?" She asked.

"Yes I will make you hot cocoa instead." And he left to thr kitchen.

She grumbled but did her lines the best she could copping the letters that he wrote to spell the words 'lion makes the rules I follow.' She knew what she was writing she just got spelling confused in little space sometimes.

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