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Clara was just about to fall sleep when there was a ringing in the room. It took her a few minutes to figure out where it was coming from. Eventually her brain unscrambled that it was her phone. Nicky's name was displayed on the screen.

Clara answered the phone and just groaned into into.

Nicky laughed. "aww is someone little."

Clara made a couple more groans.

"Okay clairbear. I know you're tired. Can you put the temp on?"

She shook her head.

"Clairbear I need words honey you're on a phone."

"No here." She muttered.

"Sweetheart are you alone?"

"No. poley hewe."

"But is there an adult there?"


"What about the temp dom."

"Oh! No. He weft"

"Clairbear I'll be right over. If I can get a few hours off from the CEO?"

"We watch movies. You meat Sparkle." She muttered.

"Yes Clairbear. I'll come right over and we can watch movies for a little."

Clara giggled. Then hung up the phone.

It wasn't long before her best friend entered the room. "Clairbear, did you know your door isn't locked."

"No key."

Nicky realized that Clara was too small to give any real answers, so she put on another movie, threw the used tissues away and sat next to her best friend.

The two women watched movies and Nicky worked on her laptop after Clair fell asleep. She didn't know the whole story or the dom, but right now she didnt like him.

She heard moving in the kitchen and waited to see when the temp dom would check on the now sleeping Clara.

It took almost fifteen minutes for Ace to come into the bedroom. "Who are you?" He asked loudly.

"Shh. You'll walk Clara up. I'm Nicole. And you are?" Her flat tone made her unimpressed view of him clear.

"Ace Blackwell from Doms for hire. Does Clara know you're here?"

"Lets take this in the other room." Nicky said standing up. She was about to rip this man a new one and didn't want to wake Clara up.

Ace nodded and walked into the living room. Nicky close behind him. "Does Clara know you're here?" He repeated once the bedroom door was shut.

Nicky held up her spare key. "Not that I needed it. The door was unlocked. You're supposed to be taking care of her. Anyone could have come in." She was fuming. This man was supposed to be taking care of her best friend. And it was all Nicky's idea. An idea that apparently put Clara in danger.

"Clara needed groceries. I can't make her a proper lunch to help her get better on buttered noodles and bangs. She was in little space and the key didn't come to either of our minds. Which I know is all the more reason to have asked for a key, I'm aware. It was a impassable situation."

Nicky sighed. "Heres my number." She said shoving a business card into his hand. "Next time you have an issue call me, or I'll call your boss."

Ace couldnt stiffle his laugh.

"Whats so funny? Do you have no respect for your boss?"

"I have about as much as you do right now."

"I dont know your boss?"

"Hi. I'm Ace Blackwell, owner and ceo of Doms for hire."

Nicky rolled her eyes. Of course this impotent git was in charge of his business. "I'm not sure I can trust you to look after Clara."

"I started my business three guys in my parents' living room. I now have fourty-five employees and continuing to hire. As well as an actual store front location. And yes I had a little financial help to get started, but if I wasn't good at what I did, I wouldn't be in this position."

"Just because you can manage a business doesn't make you a good dom."

"I know it doesn't. And I know I made some mistakes with Clara. But I am a good dom. That I know."

"Then prove it."

"I will. But we both know getting any kind of answers from Clara at the moment is going to be hard, if not inpossible. I could use a little help."

Nikki studied the man for a minute. She didn’t like him, but Clara was her best friend. She would do what was best for Clara. She sighed and nodded. "What do you need?"

"Does Clara have a third key? I don't expect to run any more errands, but in case I need to I'd like to lock up."

Nikki walked over to the kitchen, opened a draw stuffed with take out menus. "How Clara hasn't died yet is beyond me." She muttered removing all the take out menus before pulling out a sparkly pink key with the word princess attached to a stuffed hello kitty key ring.

Ace had to chuckle. Of course her spare key screamed little all over it. "Thank you. I picked up some cold medicine because there isn't any in the house. Does she have any allergies to medicine or food she might have forgotten to tell me about?"

"No. But getting Clara to take meds is near impossible even in adult space. Bribery works well. Or mixing it in with her bang." Ace made a disgusted face. Bangs weren't good. Especially not for a sick little, but if she was use to having lots of them, giving her none today wouldn't be good for her either

"What about food. She seems picky. Any tricks for that?"

"Bland foods. I've met preschoolers who eat a wider variety of food than Clara does."

He chuckled. "Bland food it is. Anything else I need to know?"

"Not off the top of my head. But call me if you have any questions." Nicki may not like the guy, but she needed to do what was best for Clara. And what was best for Clara was for this man to have all the info.

They said goodbye and Nikki left. She had to go back to work. Even though all she wanted was to make sure her friend was being taken care of, the company needed someone in charge since the CEO was out sick.

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