*Chapter 70

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I was published for the first time with Mono.Fiction! I'm ecstatic. Look for 'Perverted Puzzles' in their erotic e-book. Key word being EROTIC. If you don't like reading about sex I invite you not to use this link.

Though... You wouldn't be HERE if you didn't like reading about sex sooo.... Try the link

Copy and paste the link into your search bar. Fair warning though, someone's poem has a picture of a penis. I've linked you directly to my submission, but if you don't want to see dicks don't swipe.

This story was inspired by two of our favourite characters... can you guess who? ;)


Tony P.O.V

I'm pouring myself a scotch when I hear Steve calling for me. They shouldn't be back yet, they're atleast an hour early.

Following his voice to the kitchen, I find him holding Callie, who's pants are wet from the crotch to about the knee.

"Oh my god, she peed again?"

He grimaces and nods. "She peed in the car as well. I need to go clean it, then I have to run and pick up May and the boys from the movie. Can you take her and clean her up and get her to bed?"

Callie is blushing fiercely, but she's also shivering and clutching her stomach. "I don't feel good, Daddy."

"Oh, my love. I'm so sorry." I whisper, stroking her hair. I look over her to Steve. "You smell like piss too. You should probably shower, or at least change."

"Well, I can wash her if you clean the puddle off the car seat."

Laughing, I shake my head. "No. I have robots for a reason. I'll bring it down to the shop, you take one of mine."

He agrees and I follow him to his room. On the way I knock on Bruce's door. "Callie's back. She needs medicine." I don't wait for an answer, he'll come in a minute.

When I get into Steve's room he already has Callie naked and is stripping himself. My eyes get stuck on his torso, and then lower as his boxers slide off. I can't stop looking. How is it that as soon as I'm ready to be with him, he's moved on?

Cap clears his throat and covers himself with his hands, snapping me out of my reverie. I look up to him, blushing, and find his face matches mine, but beneath it there's a smirk. He likes it, little pervert. I grin at him and his smile widens.

"I'm cold," Callie whines. She is shaking and her eyes are glossy, half-opened.

"Oh, sorry, Pumpkin." Cap picks her up and climbs into the shower, giving me another view of his body.

The way his back flexes as he holds her, the veins in his forearm—I want him so badly. Every time Callie says she hates May, I always want to shout out, "me too!"

"What are you looking at?" Steve raises his eyebrows at me before closing the curtain.

"Not much," I call, grinning as he laughs and calls me an ass hole.

"Can you get Callie some pajamas? I'm not going to have a lot of time here." Cap asks, popping his head around the corner, it's lower than expected, he must be kneeling down, washing our daughter.

"Yeah, for sure. Be right back."

When I get back, Bruce is there pulling Callie out of the shower and towelling her off. He puts her on the toilet and she winces then cries as she urinates. My heart twists with her pain, I wish I could take it away.

I Was Never YoursOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant