Chapter 79

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Callie P.O.V

After drinking the shake, Uncle Thor plops me down in my room and instructs me to get my pajamas on while he gets the movie started. I select a baggy t-shirt and a pair of sweatpants. Normally I just wear undies or shorts, but I'm scared to be around Cooper with my legs bare.

I've locked myself in the bathroom to change, just in case. I strip to my underwear and am shocked to find the pad soaked through. My thighs are caked in blood and something that looks like peeling skin. The sight of my naked body churns my stomach and I rush to the toilet bowl. 

There isn't much to throw up, however, and I spend a good few minutes dry heaving. Sides  aching, I flush the contents and lean back against the tub panting. Once I've caught my breath, I stand up, intending to wash myself, but pulling off my panties sends me into another bout of vomiting and I decide to leave it. 

The panties are tossed into the trash and concealed with a fistful of toilet paper. Standing in front of the full length mirror, I wonder what he's so interested in, because I don't see anything worth looking at. 

My chest is flat. Sure I wear a bra, but that's only to pretend like there's something there. Even my nipples are flat, like a boy. My ribs protrude all the way to my collarbone and my legs and arms are skinny, knobbly things. I don't think I could make myself more unattractive if I tried. Everything about me is ugly. 

I swipe the tears off my cheeks and pull my shirt over my head. It hangs to my knees, covering all the bad parts. Lila put the pads in the cupboard, I find one and carefully peel back the wrapper and spread it on a fresh pair of panties. The process takes me so long that blood has begun trickling down my legs.  A quick dab with a tissue takes care of that, then I slip my sweatpants on and tie the knot extra tight, so tight that he'd have to undo them to get me naked. 

Everyone is in the living room, except for Dad and Uncle Steve. Uncle's at May's and Dad went out searching for a party. He'll probably come back with some ho. I make a mental note not to go wandering into his bedroom again, I'd rather not scar my eyes.

The only free spot is between Cooper and Lila. His eyes brighten when I walk in and he shifts over, patting the spot beside him. 

My skin is covered with goosebumps and I skirt the couch and crawl onto Uncle Thor's lap in the armchair. 

"Hi, little one," he whispers, rubbing my back. 

The movie starts, but I already know I'm not going to make it. The gentle rhythm of his heart and his chest rising and falling lulls me--I feel drowsy.

"Can I sleep with you?" I whisper, turning to straddle his waist and use his shoulder as a pillow. My eyes keep travelling to Cooper, and each time, I find him staring at me. It's terrifying.

"Of course." Uncle Thor drapes a blanket over us.

Feeling safe from my cousin's antics, I fall asleep.


I jolt awake. The nightmare I'd been having pulling me from sleep. I'd been in the black basement, and this time it wasn't the monster who'd come down the stairs, but Cooper. My cheeks are slick from crying and my throat hurts.

Uncle Thor stirs beside me, but settles.

I close my eyes, trying to comfort myself in the fact that I'm with someone I trust, but it doesn't work. The clock says it's one in the morning, Uncle Stevie should be back.

Slipping out of the bed, I pad across the lush carpet and make my way to the next bedroom.

Uncle was probably surprised not to find me in his bed. But I'm sure he found out I was with Thor or he would've been too worried to fall asleep.

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