Chapter 3-A new friend?

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As they fell onto the sand Tommy's head got hit on a rock making him pass out. Phil sat there with him waiting for the others to land safely. As this happened a mysterious person in all dark clothing and a mask on came out of the shadows chanting something. It was to mushed up for Phil to understand. After a minute the person quieted down. As this happened Phil started feeling tired and all of a sudden he passed out. "Hey you need help?" Said the mystery person from the shadows. "I don't even know who you are" replied a suspicious Tommy. "Well my name is Y/N. Y/N Smith. I'm Tubbo's older sibling." Replied the older person from the shadows. "TUBBO HAS A SIBLING?!?" Yelled Tommy. "Ok one calm down and two, he never told you he had an older sibling? I thought y'all were besties or something?" Said Y/N trying to calm from the shock that Tommy created for them by yelling. "I don't think we are at the moment" Said Tommy "And why would that be?" Said Y/N "Because I joined the Eggpire and still have a piece of the Egg, see" Tommy said this reaching down into his pocket just to find. There was nothing there anymore. "SHIT I DROPPED WHILE I WAS RUNNING AWAY!" Yelled Tommy. "Calm down dude I saw it fall on the ground and picked it up, what does this thing even do anyway?" Asked Y/N, who was holding the Egg close to their chest while fiddling it throughout their hands. "CAREFUL" "I'm fine, scaredy-cat" As Y/N was messing with the Egg Tommy and them had started walking away and into a forest as Dream and the others had started to land on the sand where they had stood just a minute ago.

If Tommyinnit wasn't immune to the eggpireWhere stories live. Discover now