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   "What do you mean he's sick..?" Carolina asked. "Sweetie, he'll be fine, he just.. He just needs some medicine," Autumn searched through cabinets for several medications. "What if he dies?? I-I don't want him to die, Autumn!" The little girl began to cry.
   "Dude, you're 12, you don't need to be worrying about people dying.." "You don't get it.. He's one of my only friends, I don't.. I don't want to lose him.." "Do you really think I don't get it? I've lost so many more people than you have, and he's my friend too, Carolina! I don't want him to die either, but I can't help that, so shut up, and let's just help him get better!"
   Carolina went quiet, "Yes ma'am.." She followed Autumn back. I was at least sitting up this time around, leaning against the wall. "Here.." Autumn handed me a glass of water and medicine, "It's gonna take a while to kick in, but it'll help you feel better.."
   I took it and quickly swallowed the pills, my body didn't take too well to the water, but it was fine. I was fine.. I'm sure I'm fine.

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