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   Everything is bloody. I can't stop it, it's just flowing. Flowing out of my nose, getting coughed out of my mouth.. My health is slipping so quickly, no one's helping. I remember seeing another scientist the other day, she was the only one that's helped in a while.. What was her name? Valentine?? No.. Normani. She helped. That was so long ago though, I haven't seen her since.
   I don't know where Autumn and Carolina went.. They stopped visiting one day, Autumn said something about leaving.. Leaving with me. I don't think my body could handle leaving.. I haven't seen sunlight in years, my electrons are all over the place..
   "Can someone clean his room?? Now? Discord, come with me." Domino grabbed my arm, putting a tissue under my nose to help stop the blood flow. She may be cruel, but she has her nice moments.. I wish this one were under better circumstances.
   "What happened?? Oh my god-" Sylvia gasped in horror at the sight of me. I don't know what I look like.. I assume it's horrific. "His body's just trying to shut down and drain his fluids, I just need to give him a shot.." Domino sighed, sitting me down at a chair and going to grab a syringe filled with blue fluid. She rubbed an alcohol wipe on my arm and stuck the needle in, I hardly felt it.
   After all these years I can only hope that I don't feel the pain of a needle going into my arm. The moment the fluid was injected, I felt tingly and more energetic, how strange. Was this shot experimental? Was I a test subject again? I don't know.. I just know the blood stopped.

   Something still felt wrong though.

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