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"They are truly perfect," Maya said around 8 the next morning after they had gotten a few hours' sleep while the twins were in the nursery, the nurses bringing them in once around 4 am so they could nurse before bringing them back at 7 am both so they could eat and so their moms could spend time with them.

"Si," Carina said, looking down at the little baby who was sleeping in her arms, "But they look so different."

Maya nodded, looking between their two daughters as she and Carina both sat on the bed. They had purposely picked an Italian donor who had similar features to Carina so the girls would look a little like both of them.

Baby A looked a lot more like Carina with a lot of dark hair and eyes that were a darker gray they both of them were convinced would turn brown as she grew. Baby B had a small amount of blonde hair on her head and eyes that were so blue.

"I can't believe they are ours," Maya said, planting a small kiss on her younger daughter's forehead.

"Are you guys up for visitors?" Amelia said, knocking on the door.

"Of course," Carina said, smiling as her best friend walked in.

"Oh my goodness," Amelia said, walking over to the bed, "They are precious."

"Do you want to hold one of them?" Maya asked, breaking her eyes away from the sleeping baby in her arms to look at the neurosurgeon.

"Yes please," Amelia said, walking over to the sink, washing her hands quickly before taking the baby from Maya, "Oh my goodness, they are so small. They make Harper seem huge."

"They are not small," Carina said, shaking her head, "They are each over 7 lbs., and I had to push out two of them."

"Ok, but Harper started rolling over and cut a tooth in the past week so these two are tiny," Amelia said, cooing at the baby in her arms, "I can't wait for you two to meet your future best friend. She is pretty cute even though she doesn't like to sleep through the night. Do they have names yet?"

"Si," Carina said, nodding as the baby in her arms opened her eyes, making a face that made Carina laugh a little, "You are holding Rowan Andrea and this is Elenora Mason."

"Those are beautiful names," Amelia said, not looking up from the sleeping newborn in her arms, "I like the nod to both of your brothers."

"And Carina's mom," Maya said, "Her name was also Elenora."

"That is so special," Amelia said, looking at her friends, "And Rowan?"

"It's the name of the street we stayed on during our honeymoon," Carina said, shrugging a little.

"Well, I like it," Amelia said, her pager suddenly going off, "Duty calls. I will be back later for more baby snuggles?"

"Of course," Carina said, nodding as Maya took Rowan back from Amelia.

Because it was New Year's Day, it was relatively quiet for the next two hours. Carina took a little nap while Maya held the girls until it was time for them to be fed.

Carina was determined to breast feed them, at least for a little while so she was trying to figure out tandem feeding. However, Elenora, or Nora, as they had decided to call her, wasn't great at latching and Maya ended up bottle feeding her. Carina asked to see a lactation consultant later in the day to see if maybe she had some pointers, but as a doctor, she knew that as long as the babies were fed, they were fine.

At 10, there was another knock on the door, just after they finished feeding the babies.

"Come in," Carina called, pulling her gown back up as she burped Rowan.

A Bambina or Bambino of Our OwnWhere stories live. Discover now