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authors note!  :)

Hey ya'll, I'm really sorry, I hate authors' notes as well haha, but I really wanted to thank  @XXkatelynchanXX . I honestly didn't know if people actually like my story or if it was just another Dramione one, and your comment asking for the next part made me really happy, and once I saw it, I started writing the next chapter for you guys, and I just hope that you can all find this story enjoyable

** and I'm really sorry for the sad chapter you're about to read, plz don't hate me, I promise it's for a good reason. Also, long chapter alert :)

Hermione's Pov:

Deep, Dark nothingness consumed me, pulled at me. Pulled my hair, my hands, my clothes, as I levitate in the air, unable to see even past my nose. 

"You are nothing" 

"Harry was stupid to leave Teddy with you"

"You destroy everything around you. Look at your parents... Look at the Weasley's, their son..dead. And it's all your fault"

"What did you steal from my vault"

"Harry Potter is such a hero, he's saved us all"

"He's the chosen one"

"A little talk with this one, Girl to Girl"

"Hermione Move!"

"What did you take FROM MY VAULT"

"NOOOO" my voice hitching, breath ragged, I scream and shrieked, the pitch cracking, but pain evident, unable to pull myself out from this nightmare.

"Hermione! Please, please. Wake up!" jolting forward, the common room slowly comes into view, Draco kneeling in front of me, hair once again tousled, a book lay disregarded on the floor.  "Hermione please, I-I- I don't know how to help, what do I do?" unable to form a single proper sentence, I barely get out one word,


Feeling myself being lifted from the ground, I clutch to Draco, barely letting go as he puts me down on the couch, "Wait here, love. please, just give me one minute, I'll find something," reaching for him, I'm too late. He's gone... I'm alone, again... disregarded again. 

 a fresh wave of tears form, as I am left to the demons of my mind, left to battle with no one besides me, "Draco"

shrieking as a fresh blow of pain exploded in my arm. clutching the wound, I scream, as loud as I can, till my voice gives out. I scream and scratch, please...PLEASE stop... I'll be better just please...don't leave me

Rolling off the couch, I fall to the floor, sobbing, curling into myself and lying there, paralyzed, just as my head starts to feel fuzzy and between my eyes throbs, Draco burst back into the room, yells my name, and runs the short distance to me, dropping to his knees before stopping, I crawl up, making sure he didn't get hurt, only for him to grab both of my hands.

his own hands are much bigger than mine, and engulf me. Pulling my hands to his chest, he bends his head and presses a shakey kiss to them, before whispering at me to wait one second, and goes back to the doorway and then comes back to me,  wrapping a blanket over my shoulders. it takes me a moment to realize that it was not a blanket, but rather it was a bundle.

looking down, I see my beautiful baby boy, fast asleep, his hair a streaking blonde with electric blue tips, and his cheeks chubby and dotted with freckles. taking a racketed breath, I press a kiss to his forehead, and look back up at Draco,

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