The end of the affair

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The four had gotten out of the car Hope and Faith more grateful than ever mostly due to the tension lingering in the air. From the time they arrived up until now Klaus had said nothing more than a sentence. He wasn't sure how to connect with his daughters. They were teenagers and he wasn't sure what either of their interests were?

Welcome to Chicago. Klaus said holding his hands out?

What are we doing here. The Salvatore questioned causing the hybrid to smile. I know how much you loved it here. Bringing back memories of the good old ripper days. He pressed trying to annoy him, he was about to continue when his cell phone began ringing?

Give me a moment please, Stefan look out for these two. He said as he walked off to a safe distance when he could peacefully talk to his ex-fling?

How are the girls Klaus. She said not bothering to greet him. They're fine, rather chatty but nonetheless all right. He reassured her, Hayley let out an inaudible breath. She'd been drowning in her anxiety for leaving the girls?

A question. How shall I connect with them. Klaus questioned hesitantly, he was never one to ask for help but he couldn't help it. He looked to see the girls bickering with Stefan, smiling fondly to himself. Just talk to them, they like to paint, they're sensitive so try not to be so harsh on them. Hayley listed off to the original hybrid. Did you find anything about the mystery witch. He questioned her. He heard some shuffling and what he could assume was paper being moved all around?

I've been going to some covens trying to find answers, maybe a witch named Freya... Her voice was cut off by the line going dead. Hello. He said to the phone speaker. He knew Hayley could handle herself especially with her daughters reunited she wouldn't let anyone take anymore time from her. Klaus. Stefan called out causing the hybrid to rush out to him. He looked at his two daughters who had blood dripping down their noses. What's wrong. He questioned him as Stefan shrugged not knowing what was going on?

He heard the two chanting some sort of spell. He grabbed them shaking them out of their trance only to be pushed away with their magic as they continued chanting, the tribrids finally seemed to stop when they both collapsed to the ground. Stefan easily caught them and placed them safely on the ground?

We're going to see an old witch of mine, she'll be able to help us. He said as he placed the girls in the back of the car?

Thankfully by the time the two had arrived to the bar the two had regained consciousness?

Are you both all right. He questioned them as they nodded hazily getting out of the car. They walked up to the bar that looked decades old and sits up on a stool. Do you think it worked. Hope whispered to her other half. Mmm-hmm. The blonde hummed. She said she'd find us as soon as possible and would explain everything. She whispered back. Stefan narrowed his eyes at the two, he was about to comment but something well rather someone caught his attention. Gloria a witch from the 1920s?

Chicago 1920?

Gloria was singing a song, a waiter was pouring champagne into a champagne tower. Meanwhile a beautiful blonde was dancing with a man although her gaze was on Stefan Salvatore. He along many of his friends were laughing and you could barely hear the music even with the enchanced hearing?

Sorry to crash the fun, boys, but some of us actually came here to hear the music. Not you. She said causing Stefan and his friends to start laughing?

I am so sorry, sweetheart. Are we offering you. He said causing his friends to laugh some more. Rebekah smiled as she touched his face?

It would take a lot more than a baby face like this to offend me. She insulted him preparing to walk away when he grabbed her wrist?

Ahem. Hey, hey. You ever going to tell me your name. He said as she smirked. Sure. When you earn it. Now do Gloria a favor and stick a sock in it. She said leaving to dance with the man she'd left earlier?

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