Smells like teen spirit

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Faith has been awoken by a pillow being thrown at her head. Hope had been told to wake up Faith by their mother?

I will rip you limb from limb. Faith said as Hope shut the door, casting a privacy spell so their mother wouldn't hear their conversation?

What are we going to do. Hope said ignoring Faith's previous comment. What do you mean. The dumbfounded blonde said looking through her closet?

Hello. Freya. She said as the blonde took a moment to remember what the deal they'd made with the so-called Mikaelson witch was?

Right. We're skipping our first day of school to meet up with Freya. She recalled as Hope smiled now confident that her sister wasn't suffering from memory lost?

You realize the spell we have to do is black magic right. Faith said as she took off her pj top. Hope nodded as she prepared to leave the room?

I know. I already have everything set up. She reassured her unconvinced sister?

Do you. I mean this could poison our hearts and it's risky. Freya even said so. Faith said as she sat down on her bed?

I know. But I think whoever she is could really help us. Hope said as Faith nodded. Whatever you say Hopey. She smiled before leaving the room leaving the brunette to her thoughts?

Faith made her way down the stairs as her wavy hair bounced with every movement she made. She had grabbed an apple from the fridge feeling nostalgia from her first day of school in Mystic Falls. She held back her tears remembering her aunt who was God knows where. One thing for sure she was going to find Jenna Sommers. It wasn't fair Elena took her free will and called it protection it boiled the former Gilbert's blood to think she even looked at Elena like a sister. A sister wouldn't chose two boys over her. A sister wouldn't be mad that she had found her real family. That's not what a sister should do. Ever?

Hey you okay. Hayley's soft voice snapped the tribrid out of her thoughts. She inhaled before turning and smiling at her mother. Yeah I'm fine. She said as she went to grab her school bag. Hope, hurry up. She yelled as Hope came rushing down moving to grab an apple much like her twin did before getting her shoes on?

You girls stay safe. Hayley said giving the girls a hug and kissing their foreheads. We will. They said in unison. Reluctantly the alpha hybrid let go of the two kissing their cheeks and sending them off. She watched as they walked beside each other before moving to do some more research on Freya?

The day had gone by pretty slow. First period was chemistry and then math. The two were bored out of their minds and had even begun speaking to each other by used a mind reading spell. It really took no effort to either of the girls. They'd been practicing their magic and we're getting stronger by the moment?

When the bell rang indicating it was finally lunch break the two made their way through the school. Just as they were about to make a run for it. Caroline had come up to the two and hugged them closely?

Gosh you don't even understand how much I've been missing you. And let me tell you I don't care that your Klaus's daughters or devil spawn as Damon has been calling you both but gosh I really need you. She said squeezing the life out of the two as they smiled?

We missed you too. They replied hugging her back. The twins were expecting some sort of reaction just not this one?

We have to go, but I'll find you later. Faith said kissing the vampire on the cheek before grabbing her sister's hand and leading her out of the school. All right what are the instructions. What are we supposed to do. Faith said continuing to drag her?

She said to meet her in the forest. Hope said reading from the note that had been sent to the two. Sounds sketchy. Faith said as they walked along side one another. You tell me. She laughed out?

As the two tribrids came closer to the forest their hearts began beating and were filled with anxiety. What if this was some sort of sick joke. What if Freya was totally against the two. What if--?

What are you two devil spawns going here. Damon's voice snapped Faith out of her thoughts. Don't you have some innocent people to kill. Cuz you know your, your father's daughters. Damon taunted, Faith being annoyed as it is held her hand out as she smacked him from tree to tree not showing a single bit of emotion on her face?

All right enough. Rebekah's voice said causing the girls to mutter a invisibility spell which was probably pointless but better safe than sorry?

What are you two doing here. Nik would kill me if anything happened to either of you. Somehow I got elected as supernanny. She said as the two came out of hiding?

We're taking a walk. People really shouldn't be on their phones a lot. Hope said knowing full well their cover was blown?

Really and the mice in your bag is for decoration. The blonde original raised in eyebrow as the two huffed, they sat down on a log and pulled out the box?

Look we wanted to try out this spell and... Faith tried to justify but came out empty handed. Don't tell me you were going to do black magic. Rebekah said remembering some things her mother had done?

You silly girls. Black magic poisons the heart. It's dangerous. Rebekah said coming closer to snatch that box away but quickly fell limp?

The two shot up immediately, when they heard a twig snap Faith used her magic to lift up a giant log off the ground and sent it flying towards the direction of the sound?

Your a lot stronger than you look. A feminine voice said out loud, it didn't take long for the twins to pin point who it belonged to. Freya Mikaelson. My name is Freya. The blonde said as she came into view?

We're aware. You kept bothering us and telling us you need help. Here you are. What do you want. Faith bluntly said as the witch nodded?

I'm not really here. It's a spell I'm doing and I don't have much time. She said as the two girls exchanged a glance. They'd heard the name multiple times in the visions and saw what she looked like?

The two began setting up the spell. Faith watched as Hope snapped the mice's neck and placed it in the bowl. The two began chanting the spell as they saw flashes of where Freya was. The two stopped chanting and looked at her?

We're going to have to tell mom. She can help us. Faith whispered to her sister who nodded in agreement. I can not tell her. She said as she pinched her nose causing the younger twin to groan?

I hate you. She remarked getting up as looking around to see where the witch was. When she noticed that she was gone she figured that her time ran out?

Let's go. Hope said as she began walking away?

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