Ghost world

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Have you ever thought about breaking your werewolf curse. Faith randomly asked as they made their way home as Hope simply hummed?

It doesn't sound like the worst thing. Hope added on as Faith nodded alongside. Truth is Faith never thought about it. She'd killed many vampires but this is different. She was taking a humans life away, she wasn't sure if this was something she'd like to do but at some point in her life she was going to need to become the full tribrid, and that would mean breaking her werewolf curse. Hope noticed her sister and how she was over thinking and gently nudged her. Faith smiled as they neared their house?

As the two entered the house they could tell their mother was mad well pissed off would be a better way to describe it?

Hope and Faith Mikaelson. I just got a call from your aunt telling me she found you in the woods with mice. From what she told me you guys were planning to do a black magic spell. Hayley seethed out as the two shared a look knowing they'd screwed up?

Mom we know your mad but we were trying to stop our witch problems like adults. Faith tried to reason only making her mother angrier. Black magic poisons the heart, Faith. That's not how you do things. It isn't the right way. Hayley said as the two shared a look knowing they messed really up?

What was the spell. Hayley said as she guided the two into the living room. The twins remained silent when the brunette finally spoke up. We'd manage to have an actual conversation with Freya. When we went to Klaus we did a spell that allowed her to communicate with us for a certain period of time. Today she guided us with a spell that allowed us to see where she was. Hope explained as the hybrid took every word in?

What did you see. Hayley pressed as Faith stepped into the conversation. We saw flashes. It's like a mental asylum but for witches, she was in a coffin and I doubt you'll be aloud in there. Faith said as Rebekah entered the house. Can't you two do a spell that sets her free. You managed to snap my neck pretty well. Rebekah said as the two looked away. They weren't going to throw Freya under the bus well not yet anyway?

The tribrids shared a look before the blonde spoke up. We can put your soul into one of the witches bodies. Klaus did it before and you'll only have to open her coffin up and when you're ready we can pull you out. She explained as the two adults shared a look?

All right. What do we need. Rebekah said causing the two girls to smile. What if Klaus finds out. Hope said as everyone in the room shrugged. At the end of the day Klaus wouldn't care as long as they were all right. Plus he was too busy with everything else?

The spell had been successful and Rebekah's body was in the basement in a coffin. Hayley had went upstairs to take a shower and the girls were currently making a we're sorry we fucked up dinner for her?

Hayley. A male voice caused the brunette witch to send a knife flying through the air. The two stood in front of the man looking at him as if he was some sort of ghost?

Who, who are you. He questioned as they remained silent. Hope still having him frozen with a spell. Thankfully Hayley came down and had quickly paled. It was her late husband Jackson. The two were in an arranged marriage but he died when a vampire ripped his heart out. For the longest time the hybrid blamed herself for what had happened?

Jackson. The green-eyed supernatural whispered as she went to hug him. The man would have returned the gesture had he not had been frozen. Oh right. Faith said as she hovered over him siphoning the spell. The late wolf felt himself unfreezing from his current position and moved to hug Andrea, not Hayley but Andrea. The woman he'd been practically engaged to since birth?

We're gonna give you two some space. Hope awkwardly said before grabbing her sister's hand and pushing her alongside her?

Well that was weird. Hope said as they continued walking. Pffft you tell me. Faith said beside her when she realized that something well rather someone was following them. Faith turned around only to be met with Anna. Her late vampire friend?

Anna. The siphoner embraced the vampire with a smile. She held the girl but her shoulders shaking her. How, how are you here I saw uncle creep kill you. She blabbered on as Anna simply shrugged. She'd been watching over her ever since she died and was extremely sad when she found out she couldn't hear nor see her?

I have to go but we'll catch up later. Faith said embracing her in one last hug before following her sister who seemed to be upset. Hey you okay. Faith questioned as Hope simply nodded. It's I feel a headache that's it. She said alarming Faith?

I'm sorry a headache you know it's literally and physically impossible for us to get sick, get headaches. We have vampire blood flowing through us 24/7. Faith pointed out?

It's probab-- Her sentence was cut short by her vomiting on the ground, then followed by her sister who vomited out the same black substance. Great the black magic has caught up to us. Hope said helping her sister up to a bench. The two looked around as people started disappearing all over the place?

I should talk to Bonnie and see what's going on. Faith said looking around, Hope shook her head knowing how the Bennett witch could be. The two had spent their fair share of nights reading through Elena's dairy and Bonnie had practically cut Caroline out of her life the moment she found out about her?

She'll probably turn you away but calling you the devil spawn or try to kill you. There is no in-between. Hope pointed out?

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