Ordinary people

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Hope was currently in class, Faith had decided to stay home and monitor Rebekah, the girls linked her and were able to see what was going on simply by touching her forehead from her original body?

Hope was walking out of her chemistry class when Caroline spotted the tribrid. Unlike the other people she was friends with she wasn't going to hold a grudge. Neither of the girls had done anything to them and were being hated on because of their father?

Hey Hope. Caroline waved causing the tribrid to fake smile?

Hey Caroline. She greeted back as she walked to her locker hoping the girl would leave her alone. She wasn't trying to be mean but ever since her adoptive parents had done what they'd done she'd built walls around her to keep herself from getting hurt. She didn't allow people in, she didn't make small talk because at the end of the day all she needed was her twin and mom?

Well homecoming is coming up and I was just wondering if you and Amy sorry Faith were coming. Caroline said walking beside her as the tribrid shrugged?

I'm sorry Caroline I'm not sure I'll probably go if Faith does. She said grabbing some of her books from her locker. In that case do you mind telling her to call Bonnie and I, I really miss her and I need her. Caroline said handing Hope a sticky note before walking off?

Hope sighed looking at the note that held the perky blonde's number and the witch's email. Never in that moment had Hope wanted her twin. She needed her. Her whole life she'd been missing her other half and ever since the two were reunited they'd been attached by the hip. Never leaving each other's side as if they were worried they'd be separated once more. A locker slamming shut beside her caused her head to a blonde. She looked at him before rolling her eyes and walking away. She wanted to smash his head into his locker but knew she couldn't do that in front of all the people here. It's morally wrong?

How is everything going. Hope said as she sat down beside her sister thankful to be in her company. Everything is going accordingly. She smiled before the younger twin lied down placing her head in her sister's lap?

You know how Meredith is Christian's person your my person Hope. Faith smiled looking up at her sister who smiled back?

And you'll always be mine. Even if you do get married, or a job, or anything. Hope replied back playing with her sister's hair. Hayley had been listening into their conversation from upstairs. She knew what she was doing was wrong but after the stunt they pulled with the black magic she'd been monitoring them closely plus she needed something to get her mind off of Jackson. He randomly disappeared halfway through their conversation?

Hopey. Faith said on the verge of falling asleep. Hmmmm. The older twin said still playing with her hair?

Can you monitor aunt Rebekah while I take a nap. The half-asleep girl questioned. Yeah. Go take a nap. Hope helped her sister up to the sofa before touching her aunt's forehead to see what was going on?

Mental Asylum for witches?

Rebekah was walking around looking for the witch. She had went through the doors and made her way inside. It specifically said. DO NOT ENTER. But she was never the one to follow the rules and she wasn't planning on starting today?

She had made her way upstairs and found a bunch of doors. She cracked them open enough to only peaked through and see what was in there. When she was losing all hope to find the mystery girl she had entered a room which lead her to another room with two coffins. She quietly entered it and looked at the coffins. It wasn't hard to find Freya seeing as the top was made of glass. She opened up the top and watched as Freya's eyes shot up open before gasping awake. As if it was all a dream?

Rebekah seemed to have awaken when her dream was done. She walked over to see the girl from the coffin. She wasn't sure if what she was seeing was true. It's like she knew the girl but she couldn't remember her. She lightly tapped her shoulder. She watched as she turned around. I'm sorry, but do I know you. She questioned her as the tired seemingly girl shook her head. Rebekah nodded before moving to sit on an empty table. Her eyes still trained on the girl who bit her apple?

Her staring was interrupted by one of the workers who barged in. Where the hell did you get this apple. She questioned as the witch explained she'd gotten it from the apple tree. Rebekah watched as she turned red grabbing a fork. Just as she was about to stab Freya's hand she stepped in. It took it for her. She seemed hungry. Let her be. She confidently spoke as the guard grabbed her hand before stabbing her. She groaned in retaliation as she snatched her arm from the man's grip?

She was then sent to be nurses office to bandage up her wound. Rebekah had spent the rest of the day in the office getting some medical help. Had she been in her original body she would have simply snatched out the piece of metal and let herself heal. But seeing as she was nothing more than a fragile witch. And she hated every moment of it?

Hope removed her hand from her aunt's forehead and started working on some homework?

Time had passed and the younger tribrid had awoken to monitor the original. She gently touched her forehead?

It was night time and Rebekah was about to make her escape. She was more than ready to leave but the guards forced her down some really suspicious pills down her throat that disabled her magic. And now she wasn't able to contact with the twins. Rebekah felt helpless?

She was sneaking around the asylum when she bumped into Freya. She placed a finger on her lip signaling her to keep quiet before she muttered an invisibility spell as they snuck past through the guards?

When they made it outside Rebekah said. Thank you. Really. She smiled as Freya returned the gesture?

You made a perfect first impression on me, Rebekah. Freya said alarming the original?

How do you know my name. She questioned her as Freya began walking off. It's not hard to know your own sister's name. Tell the girls I look forward to meeting them. She said walking off leaving the original to become even more curious. Rebekah decided against following her before making a run for it. She didn't want to get caught knowing she'd most likely get dragged back in there?

And so began the long journey home?

Faith was alarmed. She wondered why her aunt couldn't have just told her that she was ready to leave. She couldn't hear her thoughts or see what she was thinking. She sighed before moving to write some notes in her grimore deciding her aunt would come home safe. She knew she would. She had too?

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