The Summons, Pt 1

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Chapter 109: The Summons, Pt. 1

One Day Ago

The tan colored Sedan drove through the backwoods of Maine. The man in the driver's seat was known in his home city of Boston as Detective Landon Griffin, or he was, before he took early retirement due to a botched investigation a few years ago. But something very intriguing had brought him back into the game, unofficially, of course.

He had received an e-mail from an old friend; a reporter by the name of Derek Jefferies. He had distanced himself from Derek over the years, as his friend had his own career missteps, but they maintained casual contact. So when he received a suspicious e-mail that stated if he didn't hear from his friend within three days to suspect foul play, Landon had naturally wondered what trouble his friend had found himself in this time.

He decided to investigate himself first by coming to the longitude and latitude coordinates provided to him by his friend to check things out. He wasn't sure the e-mail alone was enough evidence to get the authorities involved yet, especially since his friend had a history of erratic behavior. He also had no family or ties to any communities, so he needed actual evidence to present a missing person's case. So here he was, literally in the middle of nowhere, and cursing Derek to high heaven. It seemed that his supposed friend had either provided the wrong location or had sent him on a wild goose chase. He sighed and parked the car on the side of the road before getting out and casually looking around.

"Should have known...damn fool always was a bit off," the retired detective cursed, as he got back into the car. Then suddenly, right before his eyes, the trees and woods began to move and recede. He blinked, wondering if he was hallucinating and his mouth dropped ajar, as a town popped up literally out of no where. And if he didn't know any better, he would have thought he was high or drunk. He stumbled out of the car and stared up at a clock tower, which his car was now parked in front of. He scarcely could believe his eyes, as people appeared around him and more fantastically, castles popped up amid the trees in the distance. He turned in circles, examining his new surroundings and truly wondered if he had somehow stumbled into the freaking Twilight Zone. He swallowed thickly and stared at everything that was now before him.

"What the hell is going on?"

As they appeared back in the shop, Belle and Rumple looked around in confusion.

"Weren't we just on the beach?" she asked.

"Yes..." Rumple replied, as he searched his memories and realized the gap.

"Then how...I don't even remember coming back here," she said.

"Pan..." Rumple growled.

"But we didn't even see him," Belle admonished.

"Oh yes we did...and he wiped our memories, I'm certain of it," Rumple hissed.

"He's...he's that powerful?" Belle asked with trepidation.

"Oh yes...which means if he did that, then there is something he doesn't want us to know," Rumple replied.

"Then we should go back there and confront him," Belle stated.

"No...he'll just wipe our memories again and send us back here. This is his game...he loves to play games," he responded.

"What are we going to do?" she asked.

"We play along with his game. He obviously wants to make some grand entrance and will probably do it tonight at the summons," he replied.

"You can't keep this from the others though," she warned.

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