Lovers in a Dangerous Time

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Chapter 126: Lovers in a Dangerous Time

After finding a suitable shelter that was equipped to actually help and rehabilitate the prisoners they had rescued, they proceeded to find a nice hotel to stay the night. The next day, they would set out to find this mysterious Order of the Jackal that posed a serious threat to them and their entire world. But for the moment, they all needed rest and a good night's sleep following the harrowing events of the day.

"It's remarkable that you've seemed to call forth the power of the flame without serious training," Van Helsing mentioned, while they waited in the lobby as Persephone was getting them several rooms.

"Guess I just had the right motivation," David said, as he looked fondly to his wife and daughter.

"So...are you going to help with our training when we get back to Storybrooke?" Emma asked curiously.

"With the physical part of it, I'll definitely be involved, but there's really only one equipped to truly help you master the Promethean flame," Van Helsing answered.

"Is it you, Papa Hades?" Snow asked.

"I'm afraid not, snowdrop. That's where it might get a little complicated," Hades replied.

"What do you mean?" David asked curiously.

"He means that the one most equipped to teach you is stuck in a tree, on the palace grounds in Camelot, no less," Persephone replied.

"In a tree?" Emma asked. She nodded.

"Merlin...he can't wield the flame like you, but he studied all of Prometheus' texts. He is equipped with the knowledge to train you. We just have to free him and as you can imagine, that is the last thing that Arthur wants us to do," Hades replied.

"Yes...trespassing on the palace grounds could be construed as an act of war and he is just desperate enough to make an issue of it," Persephone agreed.

"Oh please tell me we're not letting that whiny, entitled brat stop us from freeing Merlin?" Van Helsing asked.

"We are, but since you're a can cause chaos for us and distract him," Persephone replied. He smirked.

"Sounds fun," he agreed.

"Yeah...the only thing that sounds fun to me right now is sleep," Emma said, as they arrived on their floor for the night and found their rooms. Snow hugged her daughter tightly and the blonde smiled.

"I'm fine, Mom...and I'll be in this room right across from yours and Dad's," she promised. Snow nodded and brushed a hand through Emma's blonde hair.

"I know...we just almost lost you tonight, baby," she stressed.

"I know...but I'm okay, thanks to Dad," Emma said fondly. Snow agreed and wrapped her arms around her husband.

"Okay...we'll see you in the morning, honey. Sleep well," she said.

"Trust me...I'm going to be asleep the minute my head hits the pillow," Emma replied.

"Goodnight Princess," David said, as he and Snow parted from her and went into their own room.

Once inside, Snow backed her husband against the door and kissed him passionately.

"I need you..." she said desperately, as their lips parted briefly, before crashing together again. She thrilled, as their lips parted briefly again and he reversed their positions, pressing her against the door. He kissed her deeply and her breathing came in ragged, impassioned gasps, as he breathed fire on her throat. Her eyes rolled back in her head and her head lolled, as he grazed his teeth along her sensitive skin and trailed hot kisses along her collarbone.

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