Chapter 2.

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"Going somewhere"? He asked.

"It shouldn't matter to you. What do you want"? I harshly say.

I take by the way he looked at me he's trying to talk me down and make me want to actually have a normal conversation with him.

"Shouldn't have cheated on me we would be going somewhere now like we always planned"

"Fae..." he starts.

"Stop fucking calling me that!!" I snapped.

His eye instantly shot wipe open, he definitely was not expecting that.

"Look Faith, I can't even begin to tell you how sorry I am and didn't mean to have any of this happen, not to you. You are my angel, my sweet sweet angel."

Tears full my eyes, how could he ever do this to me and say those fucking sweet words.

"I fucked up baby, I really did. I never wanted to hurt you never. My head was just not in right place and I got way too drunk and high and she was there. 1 thing led to another and we fucked she kept coming on to me. I swear it only happen that one time baby. Could we work something out please. I don't ever want to live without you."

The only thing that came to my mind was to laugh. I laughed so hard and somewhere between crying started.

"Are you crazy? You forgot she sent me text between you two, pictures and videos. You fucked her so many times even after you found out she was pregnant. You went to doctor appointments. Y'all were out here acting as if I didn't existed or that I was apart of this. You came home to me every night knowing you had a next life. I was wondering why the sex got so wack, you use to could make me soak by just toughing me then you couldn't make me cum for shit. I had to be in the guest bedroom with my vibrator all night and you didn't even notice. I tried talking to you but you didn't wanna talk.

Now I see why you were already invested in someone else and now you are saying you can't live without me? After 6 years. After everything we've been through." I start getting angrier every time I think about this more. This exactly why I need to leave and clear my head and having him here now is a clear realization of this trip. I need to dip.

"Nigga you been living without me in your mind for a while. I don't regret you I do regret spending so much of my time on you though. Listen take your sorry ass out my fucking house. Don't ever come back or ask anyone for my number. Caleb you are fucking dead to me you are disgusting and I never wanna fucking look at your face again."

Just like that I felt not better but stronger for not letting him get inside my head like he always does. He has cheated before and I have never. I always try to see the good in him but he kept fucking me over and now he did it big time and I wonder if it was me who allowed him to emotionally abuse me for those years as to why this became okay for him. I shake the bad feeling off and he gets up to walk out and stops as he reaches the door.

"I will always love you remember that. You are my angel and you were there for me when everyone else left me.

"Yeah well you should have thought about that before you got knee deep in someone else's pussy and now having a child. I wish your new family is everything for you. Bye." I said rolling my eyes but being somewhat serious. Even if I hate him I hope his baby is never disappointed by him even if he is a stupid man.

"Bye" he said and took one last look of me? I guess thinking of everything he regrets and steps outside. I don't even wait I just close the door and wait for my Hope to come back.

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