Chapter 7.

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"Are there any bears or other creatures out here" I ask Zach we're walking at the back and everyone else is in front.

"Not that I know of. We've been doing this about 3 years twice per year and I've never encountered anything but pussy" I swat him on his arm and laugh out.

"You're really something else."

"The best kind of something else" and his signature smirk appears as I roll my eyes.

After 1 hour and some minutes of walking we are almost 4 miles in and it's about 6pm now.

"Do you guys hear that, we're almost there" I hear Andrew shout from the front.

" Almost where?" I asked.

"Our usual spot it has a river, and it's amazing. I hope you brought a swim suit I totally forgot about telling you."

"You were piss drunk so I understand but I did just Incase." I say smiling.

"You really are perfect, Aiden was saying that he thought you were an angel this morning seems you have an admirer." He says and gives me a wink.

"I highly doubt that was said and if it was it might be angel of death and destruction." He turns his head to meet my eyes as if he's searching for an emotion.

"We're finally here fuckers!" I hear Rose scream and starts undressing pretty quickly. She runs off with Ben and Sasha. Aiden and Andrew are unpacking the tents I believe.

I go to the edge of the cliff to look down and its breathtaking, I feel so at peace here even with all the crazy that's going on in my life there's nature to put you at ease. I close my eyes and the wind starts to pick up ,I literally feel like I'm flying, distance bird chirping and other tiny creatures just makes this all better. I'm so happy I came out here.

'Hey if you're gonna jump at least do it somewhere I won't get to see" I'm snapped out of my thoughts by Aiden, he now behind me and I didn't even realize my hands were out like I was going to jump or that he was walking up behind me.

"I know you'll be happy to see that. But I must crush your dreams I'm just enjoying nature."

"Why would you think that?" His tone is serious.

"You haven't been the nicest" I say barely under my breath.

He takes my hand and pull me closer to him and off the edge.

"You wouldn't even understand what I think about you. For now just know I don't think you are bad you're actually pretty cool. Now let's get you off suicide watch and get these tents ready. Later we could go take a dip, I show you my favorite spot." His eyes meet mine and there's something there but I can't put my figure on it. I don't protest I just nod and head back to the camp site.

"I don't fucking know how people get this shot done." I've been cursing for about half an hour at the tent. I've never had to set up a tent and I didn't think it would be that hard. Ben tried helping but I told him to fuck off because he kept teasing.

"You're gonna hurt yourself" Andrew says while coming back from the tent he's finish with.

"Well at least I'll have it done." Annoyance clear in my voice.

"C'mon let me help you"

He takes the hammer out of my hand tells me to hold up the tent he string the tent all around and puts everything in place.

"Thank you Andrew" I smile and him a light pat on the shoulder as I'm turning to retreat my bag I see Aiden looking between Andrew and I. His eyes are low and dark, I raise a brow looking back at him and just looks away.

2 hours Later.

"Ben please you didn't fuck her"

"I did, she basically threw herself at me."

"So that's an excuse to fuck your high school librarian"

Ben and Sasha have been going at it since Ben decided to tell us a story of his weirdest sexual experience.

"Even a teacher would be better than a librarian, I tried fucking my English teacher back in high school but we almost got caught and ever since she didn't look at me again." Of course Zach joined in and I started laughing.

"What you don't believe me?" He asks me.

"Never say never" I smirk while he rolls his eyes, I start laughing and he gives me the finger.

The fire is lit and Sasha is making s'mores and snacks are being passed around.

"Here boo" she smiles and hands me mine.


It's actually really good and she added wheat crackers which I personally think is amazing.

"Hey wanna take a swim?" Aiden crotches beside me and whispers, he inches away from me. I feel his breath and something insides me feel tingly.

"Sure, I'll get my stuff."

I get up still eating the s'more and go to my tent which is like 10 seconds behind me.

I take up my two piece and change and throw a dress over me, take a towel, flash light and knife just for precaution and pack them in a small bag that could fit.

"Hey y'all be careful now and don't do anything I wouldn't which is a limited list FYI" Rose shouts as o walk towards Aiden.

"I'll be there soon so if you guys wanna start a show you can" Zach say and winks his eye.

I laugh and shake "guys relax I'm just taking a dip like almost everyone else have."

Aiden doesn't say anything he just takes the lead.

Faith.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora