They're kind of cute

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y/n = your name
t/n = their name
Today I sat in chemistry and tried taking notes trying to ignore the fact that I didn't get any sleep last night.

I tried holding back another yawn as the teacher was talking and then I heard the door open but I didn't really care enough to look I have already decided that i'm going to take a 5 minute power nap.

I woke up to the bell ringing and as I looked at the time I realized I slept through the whole class. Now i'm going to have to go find my friend to ask for notes.

As I got to my locker I noticed something taped to the door and as I opened it they were the notes from class. I started looking around but I didn't see anyone from my chemistry class.

I put the notes in my bag and went to my next class which was P.E and we had to have partners because we were doing a gymnastics unit which I'm really bad at.

I wasn't paying attention until I got partnered with this really cute person what is this an episode story? They started walking over here as I asked them " Do you want to do the flips first or should I?" They held back a laugh as he said "I'm not sure if i want you spotting me since you were just fast asleep in chemistry." Was the the person who left the notes?

"Ok I guess I'll go first then." I started attempting to do cartwheels but that didn't work and I kept hearing them trying not laugh which was annoying. I shot them a glare and as I did I heard "Did you read the notes I left you?"
So they were the one who left the notes.

This will be interesting.


I know this one was really bad I APOLOGIZE I had this idea but i didn't know how to write it. The next one will be better

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