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'Why.' A whisper came from the couch.
'Why what? Tubbo?' A reply followed.

'Why did they do that to my parents Wilb?'
'I- I don't know Tubbo.'
'What if they find me.' Tubbo said, his voice barely a whisper.
'Tubbo I promise we won't let them.' Wilbur said kindly. 'Go to sleep! You'll be tired okay?'

'No I can't!' The boy said his voice becoming squeaky and distressed. Wilbur looked at him, his face was puffy and red and his eyes were darting around the room as if someone was going to get him. His terrified face reminded him of the first time he had ever seen the boy. And the time he'd ran away. And the school incident. Gosh he really had gone through a lot.

Wilbur moved over on the couch, closer to Tubbo. He wrapped his arms around the shaking boy. 'Shhhh shhh it's okay.' Wilbur starter to hum, softly. You could barely hear it. But it made Tubbo calm. He was clearly exhausted because within a minute of Wilbur rocking and humming to him he had fallen asleep.


'Awwww. Dad LOOKKKKK!' Tommy said excitedly.
'Shush Toms.' Wilbur said hushing his voice, Tubbo barely got any sleep.
'But look awwww.' Tommy said, making his voice as quiet as he could (which wasn't really that quiet).

To be fair to Tommy, the sight really was an adorable one. Tubbo was curled into Wilbur's side, his light brown hair covering almost the entirety of his eyes. Each of his breaths were making his body gently rise and fall.

Wilbur tried to move away slightly so he could get a drink. But the movement made Tubbo move closer to him.
'You're not getting away from him anytime soon Wilbur.' Phil chuckled. The chuckle almost seeming forced.

'We need to talk about what happened last night.' Techno said bluntly. 'Why were they targeting Tubbo and why did they kill his parents? Why did they kill them in the first place?' Techno said without barely taking a breath.

'I don't know Tech.' Phil said running his hands down his face, but what I do know is that we need to get all the information out of Tubbo that we possibly can.'

Tubbo moved slightly, his eyes fluttering. He opened them a little and whimpered.

'hey mate...' Phil said as calmly as he could manage.

Tubbo slowly sat up. His face was still pale and the underneath of his eyes were dark and puffy.

'Tubbo, did you know any of the people that hurt you last night?' phil asked.

'Jake and my teacher. They... they grabbed me and hurt my arm.'

Techno wanted to kill them. But he managed to suppress this anger for the moment as to not scare Tubbo.

'hurt your arm? like how?' phil looked confused.

Tubbo rolled up his sleeve, on his arm was a red dot. the area around it was bruised and discoloured.

'Do you remember getting take to that place?' Techno asked suddenly.

'... i- no.' Tubbo replied after a moment.

'They must have injected him with something to knock him out.' techno said.

'what did you parents do as their job Tubbo?' Wilbur asked, a strange look appearing on his face.

'i'm not sure... they used to go in this one room and stay there for ages though. They never told me what they were doing.'

A concerned look grew on Wilburs face, 'i know why they killed his parents.' he said gravely.

'WHAT!?' Techno shouted.

'Tubbo, stay here a minute.' he said, gesturing for Techno and Phil to follow him.

'Wilbur? what do you know?' Phil asked.

'Don't be mad but i had this friend a while back' he began, 'And well he used to talk about these people who were experimenting to try and get humans to have inhuman qualities. Last i heard of it they had tried it on a human boy, a kidnapped human boy.'

'oh my god.' Techno said. 'wait but how do we know if it's true and even if it is we haven't seen him do anything... inhumane?'

'No, but i also heard one more thing. It only works if then person is scared. It like activates it or something.'

'But he's been scared loads of times and nothings happened?'

'that's true but he's not acted in a normal way either. And perhaps he wasn't 'scared enough' I think that's why they took him, so that they could scare him into... changing? But since we rescued him pretty fast i think we stopped it from happening.'

'what are you trying to suggest Wilbur?' Phil asked.

'we need to scare him.'

'Wilbur that's rediculous he's been through enough i'm not letting you scare him! i have to go to the shops quickly okay? you two need to stay here.'

Phil walked off and a couple of minutes later shut the door.

'We need to try.' Wilbur said at Techno.

Techno said nothing, but nodded his head.

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