Chapter 1: Beau

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There was once a very rich woman named Puebla, who gave her three sons everything they wanted.
"I love my sons." she said to herself.
"I love presents." wondered two of her sons.

"Bring us rubies and silks from the market!" demanded Silverio and Mario, his eldest sons. "Oh, and a satin suit! And pearls."

Puebla turned to her youngest son.

"Don't you want anything, Beau?" she asked.

"May I have a rose?" asked Beau. "They always seem to die in our garden."
"I wonder why?" said Mario.
"It's a mystery," added Silverio. "And such a shame when you love them so."

waved goodbye to her sons and galloped away on her sleek white horse.
As she rode, a thick fog filled the air. Puebla couldn't see the see the path ahead, or even her horse below her.

She went on blindly, until suddenly...

...the fog rolled back to reveal a towering castle.
Puebla gasped. "Where am I?"

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