Chapter 5: Beau explores

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Beau dreamed of home and woke wishing he was there. Then, as he dressed, he saw a mirror by his bed. Peering into it, he was amazed to see his mother, eating breakfast back at home.
"A magic mirror!"

Seeing her safe and well lifted his spirits. "It's time to explore," he decided, and set off down the shadowy corridors.
In one room he saw fairies performing a play on an enchanted stage.

In another, he found a library with shelves that seemed to stretch to the sky.
"Here you will find every book in the world," boomed a voice. "Books from both the past and the future."

When Beau went out into the garden, he saw exotic flowers and magical animals.

But he didn't see the Beast all day.

At eight o'clock, a gong rang for dinner. The Beast was waiting for Beau in the dining room. "Did you find the mirror?" she asked, eagerly.
"I loved it. Thank you," Beau replied.
After dinner, the Beast went down on one knee again. "Marry me, Beau."

Beau sighed. "I'm sorry, Beast, you're very kind, but I don't want to marry you."
"I thought that might be the answer," said the Beast, sadly, and left him alone.
That night, Beau had a strange dream.

He was dining with a beautiful princess.
"How can you bear to look at that ugly Beast?" she asked.
"She's not ugly inside," said Beau.
"But she's a monster," said the Princess. "How could anyone love a beast?"

Beau woke to the sound of birds singing. The Princess from his dream had vanished. "Is that all she was... a dream?" Beau wondered.
He spent the day wandering from room to room. The castle seemed empty without the Beast beside him.

Beau was trying to choose a book from the library, when he noticed a portrait.

He couldn't believe his eyes. It was the Princess from his dream.

At dinner that evening, he asked the Beast about her. "I dreamed of a princess last night," he said, "and then I saw a painting of her in the library. Do you know who she is?"
"I know her," said the Beast. "But I haven't seen her for years."

For the rest of the meal the Beast refused to talk more about the Princess. After they finished, she asked him to marry her again.
"I like you, but I don't love you," Beau said softly. "I'm sorry, but I won't marry you."
The Beast sighed and said goodnight.

The next morning, Beau watched his family in his mirror. He missed them more than ever.
At dinner that evening, he hardly ate a thing.

"What's the matter?" the Beast asked him, with a worried frown.
"I'm homesick," said Beau.
The Beast pulled a ring from her pocket.
"Oh Beast, I still won't marry you," he said quickly.

The Beast shook her head. "This isn't a wedding ring. It's magic. It will take you back to your mother."

"But you must promise me you'll return in two weeks," she went on.
"I promise," said Beau.
"Oh thank you, Beau!"
"Keep it safe in your pocket. When you're ready to return, put the ring on your bedside table," she told him.

Beau nodded. He put on the ring and the room melted away. He felt himself falling... falling... until suddenly he was standing on solid ground again. He was back at home and his mother was staring at him, open-mouthed.

"Oh Mother!" he cried, throwing his arms around her.

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