Chapter 2: The Beast

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The horse's hooves clattered up to the castle gates.
They opened before her with a ghostly creak.

Puebla rode into a courtyard. As she raised her hand to knock on the castle door, it swung open.
"Hello?" she called. No one answered. She tried again. "Hello? Is anybody here?"
But Puebla only heard her own voice, echoing off the stone walls.

"What's going on?" she murmured, her heart beating faster.
Then a mouth-watering smell made her forget her fear.
Puebla followed her nose to an enormous feast. She sat down, nervously. "Where are the guests?" she said to herself.

A full plate floated over to her and she cried out in surprise. But she was cold and starving and the food smelled so good.
"I hope no one minds," she thought, picking up a sliver fork.
Invisible hands poured her rich, sweet wine.

Feeling full and tired, Puebla rose from the table. Instantly, a bed appeared before her. Puebla was too exhausted to question it. He just lay down... and fell fast asleep.

She woke in a beautiful bedroom. A pile of clean clothes sat on a seat by the bed. They were just her size.

"I must find the owners and thank them," Puebla thought, and set out to search the castle corridors. Invisible hands opened all the doors, but she couldn't find a single living person anywhere.

"Perhaps everyone's outside?" Puebla wondered.

In the garden, she found a beautiful rosebush. As she sniffed the blooms, she remembered her promise to Beau. "No one will miss one rose."

The instant plucked a flower, a huge shadow fell over the rosebushes. She spun around, clutching the bloom to her chest... see a hideous creature before her. Its eyes glittered fiercely.
Before Puebla could cry out, it grabbed her and pulled her close to its angry face.

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