Chapter 4: Beau and the Beast

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First, the castle gates creaked open before him, then the door to the castle itself. "This place must be enchanted," Beau realized. He took a deep breath and stepped inside.

Beau tiptoed down a long and dusty corridor until he found an open door. It led into a sweet-smelling garden. But as soon as Beau stepped into the sunlight...

...he heard a terrible growl. "What are you doing here?" roared the Beast.

"I'm B-b-beau, Puebla's son," he stammered.
"She sent you to die, did she?" the Beast growled.
"Don't say that!" said Beau. He was so angry he forgot his fear and glared at the Beast.

"You have courage," said the Beast, gazing back at him. As she spoke, Beau was shocked to see great tears forming in her eyes.
"What's wrong?" he asked. "Having you here makes me realize—I've been alone for so long," sniffed the Beast.

"Poor Beast," said Beau, his heart filling with pity. "I'll stay with you, if you like."
The Beast grasped his hand, her eyes shining with hope. "Thank you," she said gruffly.
"But you must let my mother know I'm safe." Beau told her.

The Beast strode out to the courtyard and tied a note to Puebla's horse, then sent it on its way.
That evening, Beau and the Beast dined together. The Beast told Beau a story about a prince who turned a frog into a princess with a kiss.

In return, Beau told the Beast all about his family and his life.
"You're a very good listener," he said. "My brothers always interrupt."
The Beast looked at Beau very seriously, then knelt before him.

"I know this is sudden," she said in a low voice," and I know I'm ugly, but... will you marry me?"

"I can't," gasped Beau. "I don't even know you."
"Very well," said the Beast, bowing her head. "Goodnight, Beau. Your room is next door," she added, and left him alone.

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