Rody x Reader 2 (1st suggestion!!)

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A/n: Hey guyss! as soon as i uploaded the suggestions page i instantly got one!! This was suggested by  @iminlovewithrodysoul i hope you enjoy!!   

y/n = your name

l/n - last name

h/c = hair color

y/a = your age

f/c = fave color

y/pn = your phone number

p/t = phone type

f/m = fave music

f/am = fave anime movie

(Y/n POV) I was packing my bags, getting ready for my trip to New York, After about 2 years of working at a painful job I finally earned enough money to go on a trip to New York! I go to my bathroom and tie up my wispy h/c hair up into a messy ponytail then I pick up my suitcase and happily skip into the kitchen.

"Y/n are you sure you're ready to go on this trip to New York ALL by yourself?" my mom asks.

"Mom I'm y/a of course I'm ready to go by myself, I've always dreamed of going there!!" I say.

"Alright if you say so, now you better get going, your flight leaves in less that 3 hours, you don't want to miss it now do you?" my mom says.

"Ah crap, I gotta go! bye mom! I love you!!!" I shout as I give mom a quick peck on the cheek and run out the door.

~At the Airport~

I'm pulling my suitcase along as I enter the very busy airport, "My goodness its busy in here" I think to myself as I enter the check in area and check in my suitcase which gets carried away on the conveyer belt. I walk over to the boarding area and take a seat. "May as well listen to music to pass the time" I think as I take out my f/c headphones and plug them into my p/t and put my headphones over my head and start blasting my f/m music.

~A few hours later~

I hear an announcement over the PA system so I take out my earphones to listen, 

"The flight N17 will now start boarding, if this is your flight please go to the boarding area, Thankyou!"

 "That's my flight!, I better go there!" I think as I fast walk over to the boarding area and board the plane.

~On the plane~

I walk down the many isles of the plane until I find my seat and I sit down and get the little TV inside the seat started up and start watching my f/am which luckily was on the movie list!!

~9 hours later when the plane landed~

I walk off the plane, It was like walking into a whole new world, New York was absolutely beautiful! "AHHH I CAN'T BELIEVE IM ACTUALLY HERE!" I think excitedly as I rush off to collect my suitcase.

~A few hours later~

I was walking down the many streets of New York, going to my hotel room, I drag my suitcase through the doors of the hotel and check in and go to my room, It was quite small. I set my suitcase on the floor and unpacked it, I walked to my bathroom and adjusted my messy h/c hair in the mirror then grabbed my p/t off the bedside table and went off to explore. 

~A few hours later~

I was taking in all the magnificent scenery of the wonderful New York, I checked my watch and it had just turned 7:00 at night "I should go back to the hotel, it's getting late" I think myself as I turn around but I run into someone.... 

"Ah I'm so sorry! I'm so clum-" I started to say but abruptly cut myself off as I realized how damn cute this boy was. I felt my cheeks starting to heat up. 

"Ah no it's fine, I should be the one apologizing" he says and he chuckles.

 "Oh uh okay...." I say trying to hide my blush.

 "Anyway what's your name?" I ask the boy, being curious.

(The boy's POV) This cute girl just asked my name!! Oh my god!! I start to zone out.

(Y/n POV) I noticed he started to zone out, "Hey, are you alright?" I ask, genuinely worried.

"Ah sorry I zoned out for a second there, I'm Rody, Rody Soul, And you?" he asks me.

"Nice to meet you Rody!, my name is Y/n, Y/n L/n" I say as I hold out my hand in greeting.

(Rody's POV) "This girl Y/n... she seems.... different.." I think to myself. I take her hand and give it a small kiss instead of shaking it because I felt that would be more polite....

(Y/n POV) "OMG he kissed my hand GAHHHH HELP" I think to myself as I feel my face heating up, "No calm down Y/n!, you're ok! you literally just met the guy!" I pep talk myself as I take a deep breath and calm down.

"My Rody, you are quite the gentleman!" I say.

"Oh uh thanks..? I guess?" he says

"Anyway I better get back to my hotel room it's getting late" I say

"Hey, is it far from here?" he asks

"Uh no?, why?" I ask

"I'll walk you there, it's not safe for young women to walk around by themselves at night" he says

"Oh no, Rody, really it's fine" I say

"No really, I insist!" he says

"Oh alright" I give in and start to walk ahead and I can see Rody walking next to me "Omgg he's so cute" I think to myself. I suddenly give my cheek a small pinch "No! stop it Y/n!! you can't fall in love with someone you just met!" I think to myself.

~half an hour later~

"Welp this is my stop, thanks for walking me here Rody!, I really appreciate it!" I say and give him a cute smile.

(Rody's POV) "Well damn her smile is super cute!" I think to myself. "hey it's no problem at all! I couldn't just let you walk to your hotel by yourself, bad shiz can happen to women who walk around by themselves at night" I say to her.

(Y/n POV) "Wow he really is a gentlemen" I think to myself. "Welp I better go inside, it's getting cold, It was nice meeting you Rody!!" I say to him, I turn to go inside but I feel him grab my wrist.

"Wait!!, before you go!!" he says.

"Yes?" I say.

"You seem like a really sweet person Y/n, I like you" he says and smiles. "Wanna be friends Y/n?" he asked.

"Of course, I would love to be friends with you Rody!!" I say happily

"Awesome!!, Welp I shall take my leave now, See ya round Y/n! he turns to leave but I grab his wrist

"Hey wait!!" I say

"Hmm?" he says.

"Don't you want my number so we can chat?" I asked.

"Oh, haha I'm sorry!, was bout to walk off without getting your contact haha" he said

"Haha it's okay!" I say "My number is y/pn" I say

"Alright I'll just put that into my contacts" He says as he starts typing away on his phone

~A few seconds later~

"And done, perfect, welp I really should get home to my siblings, Roro and Lala, See ya round!" he says. "Cutie~" he adds as he winks at me and walks off.

"Did he actually just call me cutie?!" I think to myself, feeling my face heat up. I smile to myself and blush. "Cya round Rody Soul" I think to myself and I walk inside the hotel.

A/n: Ahhhh I really hope you enjoyed my first suggested story!! again it was suggested by iminlovewithrodysoul

Anyway if any of you guys have any other suggestions feel free to leave one in the comments!!

Thanks for reading!! ❤❤

Rody x Reader Stories (Includes WHM as a book with Y/n in it!!)Where stories live. Discover now