[Call for Help]

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So this part is continuing from chapter 2 where Michelle heard someone at the door when she was talking to her boyfriend Jacob on the phone///

[ Michelle went to go see who was at her door, but nobody was ....   [ She shut the door and walked in the kitchen because she heard a noise]  "Hello is someone there"?  (the water was just dripping from the sink)  ~~Michelle turns around and she had a jump scare from Katherine~~.  ~~She had fear and tears in her eyes and Katherine just smiling evilly just staring into Michelle's eyes little did Michelle know on Katherine's way to Michelle's house she recently had ate one of the foreign exchange students Aadi from India that survived the fire at the bar that's why she had blood all on her clothes and mouth and Michelle was looking the devil in the face~~  "Thank god it's you Katherine, I thought you were an intruder I was about to kick you're ass".   {all she sees is Katherine digging through the fridge trying to find something to eat and making a weird growling noise}.    {Katherine replies with a growling sound and black liquid started coming out of her mouth}    "Oh are you hungry, do you want me to make you a sandwich or something"?   ~~All this black liquid start shooting out Katherine's mouth at Michelle and  the black liquid has spikes going through it on the floor~~. -  ;Katherine starts smiling;   ~~Michelle runs and tries to call someone but.... "Umm Katherine-  Katherine a-are u okay"? - \Katherine starts smiling and laughing\. "Katherine"?   (Katherine pins Michelle up to the wall)   --Katherine says " Are you scared"?  in a out of breath  moan type tone--   --Michelle replies with fear in her voice-- "yes"  (Michelle starts crying)   "o-omg".  "Katherine"!?     [ Katherine runs out the door] ------------

                                This is CHAPTER 3.  I know this is a short one but it's where it gets good in my opinion and hopefully you think so too.

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