/Rising Tensions\

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 This is chapter 5///

----Background sound from Michells TV---      [ Man on TV ]       "Fatalities have grown in a horrific fire...   that destroyed a popular local nightclub"... in "Devilthorn" last night".      [ Cell Phone Rings ]  "Yeah"? "I feel so scrumptious"! "Goody for you". "You know when you kiss a boy for the first time, and it feels like your entire body is on vibrate"?  - "Yeah"?-  "It's that good". "Well, that's nice".  "Me, I'm still a little bit depressed about, you know, the giant, smoldering funeral pyre in the middle of town".    [ Sighs ]    "Move-on-dot-org",   "Michelle".  "It's over".  "Life is too short to be moping around about some white-trash pig roast".  "That's sweet, Kath". "You know, I tell it like it is".   "And besides, you know what"? "You should be happy for me because I am having the best day... since, like, Jesus invented the calendar". "Jesus didn't invent the calendar". "Whatever".    [ Beeps ]    other line". "Hold on". - "So blow it off".-   "It'll just be a minute". "Pooh". "I'm crossing you out".     [ Beeps ]     "Hey". 

 "I need to see you right now".  "I can barely hear you".   [ Toy Piano ]  "It's because Charlotte is playing the piano". "Knock it off, Charlotte"! "You knock it off"! "Can you meet me at thorn park in 10"?  "You knock it off, Jacob"! "You're a little bitch"!    [ Michelle ]   "Uh, 15"? - "I gotta go".-  "I am a god".  "Okay". "I gotta meet Jacob in Thorn Park". "You know, "Jacob is looking really cute to me lately". "So, tell me, is he, uh, like, packing some serious pubic inches"?  "What's the story down there"? "I gotta go".    [ Siren wailing ]     [ Chattering ]   "Why are the cops at your house"?    "They're not". "They're at Andrew's house". "Why"?  "Did he try to sell fake peyote to the eighth graders again"? "No, Michelle". "He was murdered".  

"What"? "Yeah".   "Someone ripped Andrew limb from limb in the woods behind school". "They ate parts of him". "No one's even supposed to know yet, but my dad just went over there and talked to the cops". "His mom is, like, catatonic". "She's just staring out the front window like a zombie mannequin robot statue". "This can't be a coincidence". "What are you talking about, Michelle"?  "A fiery death trap last night, and now a cannibal psycho takes down the biggest guy in school"? "Come on". "It's freak tarded".

 "Well, the bad luck's gotta be over, right"? "I mean, it can't get any worse,". "It can't". "I mean, you agree, right"? "You're shaking". "Well, I'm cold". "It's very cold out here". "You want my hoodie"?

 [ Needy Narrating ]

"To the rest of the world, we were famous". "We were saints". "Our town's only bar had burned to the ground, and our star linebacker was someone's Snack Pack". "The whole country got a huge tragedy boner for Devilthorn". "And the press, God"! "They couldn't get enough of our little world of shit". 

[ Needy Narrating ]

"Still, we were healing". "Like Jacob, we figured things could only get better". "Hey"! "We had faith". "We were fucking idiots".

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