!The Final Chapter!

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This is the last part of the story I really hope all of you loved this and found it entertaining or whatever :)

(Michelle narrates)

___So to clear things up Michelle is in like a jail or asylum narrating the rest of this part__

"I don't know who Michelle is anymore".  [ Sniffing ]  " I'm a different person now". "A person who uses curse words and kicks orderlies... and sees things that aren't there".  "A very bad, very damaged person". "But sometimes change can be good". "For instance, most occult scholars don't know this, but if you're bitten by a demon and you live, you just might absorb some of the demon's abilities". "You just might get lucky for once in your miserable life".  [ Crash, Fence Rattling ] 

"Where are you looking to go, young lady"? "East, towards Madison". "Hop in my chariot". "So, why are you headed east"?  "I'm following this rock band".  [ Chuckles ]  "Must be one hell of a group".  "Tonight's gonna be their last show". 

Try to guess what happens next.. some of you might be able to, like if it's that obvious

,,,Now everyone at the concert is waiting for the band to come on stage,,,   if you don't know its "The Walking Corpses",,,

[ Rock ]  [ Woman ]  "And the sky was made of amethyst and all the stars are just like little fish". 

"You should learn when to go".

 "You should learn how to say no yeah". 

       [ Fans Clamoring, Chattering ]   

   "Mine is forever when they get what they want". 

"They never want it again".

   [ Bell Dings ]  

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