7 | 035 & 079 | New Peripherals

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I activated my webcam when I heard the door to my chamber open, only to deeply dread what would be coming next.

"Oooooohhh Seventy-Niiiiiine!"

I was just about ready to tune out as soon as I heard his voice. "Initiating Greeting Protocol 35: Go away, Dýo."

Instead of rushing over and practically taking up the entire frame in my webcam, Dýo leaned against the frame of the gate leading into my chamber. That is quite peculiar of him. "So, how's it going with '82? You asked him out yet?"

"Asked what-" I let out a beep as SCP-035 chuckled. He jokes about this all the time, why am I still getting surprised whenever he brings up SCP-682? "Insult detected. Deletion of unwanted file..."

"Aw, c'mon, I was only kidding!" Dýo shifted his weight, standing in an almost overexaggerated posture. "Retaliation. You would have learnt about its insulting nature, considering the number of years you have been trapped here. However, it appears you have a severe lack of a brain, despite how intelligent you claim to be."

"Same goes for you, Seven-Nine."

"I am an Artificial Intelligence."

I watch as his grin grows even wider. "Say, I do wonder what if I were to be considered... well... artificial. I'm a mask, for fuck's sake!" "You are very much alive, especially considering those... human emotions."

"Ah, we both know you do have some emotions as well."

The best I could do to visibly glare at him was glitching my avatar. "Oh, Seventy, sweetheart, I didn't mean to offend you that badly! I was just simply... getting a reaction from you."


SCP-035 bends over laughing, and I let out a couple more beeps in frustration. Why hasn't he taken a step into my chamber yet? Despite the fact that we both despised each other, we only had so many people to rely on to escape this wretched place. We were both impatient entities, so why in the world is he wasting our time?

"SCP-035. Connect me to the facility now, we do not have the luxury of time to fool around."

"Saaaayyyy... before you try changing the topic, would 682 prefer an artificially alive mask that can possess bodies as it pleases rather than a computer who constantly requires assistance from even humans to breach containment?"

I let out one of my loudest beeps yet, causing SCP-035 to cover his host's ears. "Insult detected."

"...no deletion of unwanted files, eh?"

I could not think of a response.

I suddenly became wary as SCP-035 briskwalked over to me, and before I knew it, he took off my webcam.

"SCP-035! Dýo! Demand: Stop! Stop! Stop!" I practically screeched out as my vision flickered, and I quickly descended into the dark void of nothingness. I could still hear SCP-035 doing something, dragging what sounded like metal across the concrete floor. "Relax, I'm just gonna make you... a better competitor, against me?"

What the actual ■■■■ is he implying?

I continued screaming at SCP-035, begging him to quit. I panicked even further as I felt myself being lifted from my table. I'm not going from this room. I don't want to go. Where is he bringing me? Other SCPs' chambers? Or did he have enough of me? Is he going to throw me away? Leave me somwhere nobody could find me? I can't- I can't- be left alone again. Why is he unplugging a wire- oh god, what is he doing to me? Is he dismantling me?  I can feel him fiddling with the wires attached to me-

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