Scene #7

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"Goddamnit!" Japeth snapped, kicking the wall in frustration. Why couldn't his stubborn brother just see his twin's will for once? Did it always have to be Rhian, Rhian, and more goddamn Rhian?!?

He hissed in anger and gave the wall another good, hard blow. Again. And again.

He kicked the wall until it became a routine motion, chipping away the plaster and swearing all the time.

"You know," said a voice suddenly, "if you step aside, I can get that wall down faster. Don't think Deanie will be incredibly pleased with you, anyway, but it'll get me out of here."

"Go away, Aric. I'd rather not see you right now."

"So face the wall," he answered flippantly. "This is my room, too, you know. Or did it slip your mind?"

Japeth rolled his blue-green eyes and sighed. "Shut up and leave, mind you."

"Or you'll what? Strangle me to death with those slippery demons of yours? Your scims?"

"Sounds like a good idea," Japeth shot back, whirling around to face Aric. His heart momentarily stopped, as did his temper, at the sight of his roommate. He felt old echoes of his past rush return in a flash, shadows pricking his mind.

Aric had his hair parted over his forehead like an emo boy, dripping and falling into his left eye like knives. The visible purple eye glowed bright with danger, and he had his bulky arms crossed over his chest, leaning against the door frame in a devil-may-care attitude. In his typical black sleeveless shirt and black pants, naturally.

"Guess my face wasn't the only part of me that you didn't want to see. But we both know that's not really true, from the way I'm being eyed, hmm?" Aric hummed, his mouth curling upwards in a shark-like grin.

Japeth bit his tongue. He'd let himself get carried away too much. "Not as much as you are me," he managed to retort, eyes narrowing to sell the reply.

Aric, however, must've been in a predatory mood, for he didn't let Japeth slip away so easily. "We both have viable reasons, yes? I'm me, and you're you. It's been enough time. Two years, I believe."

The twin wasn't so sure what to make of it. Agreeing meant certain doom, so he settled for an eye roll. "You think too highly of yourself, Aric. I know plenty of girls in Foxwood who spy through the bushes."

"On your egotistical waste-of-space brother. It would be more subtle if you used the bushes instead of openly staring."

At his neck, Japeth's scims rustled along with the boy's pulse. Shit. Lying would work, he supposed.

"You first. You size me up like I'm some piece of meat. It's disgusting and creepy."

"And you like it. Tints your marble skin the shade of a rose. I should know, after all, when I've studied my subject," Aric snorted, sweeping hair out of his face to better smirk at Japeth.

"Are you drunk?" Japeth blurted.

The sadist barked a deep laugh. "No, I don't drink."

Shame, Japeth thought instaneously.

"For you, I'm sure it is. For me, not so much. If I want something, I'll get it sober."

He said that out loud? Oh, crap. "Nice to know. Bye."

Aric pushed off the door frame and prowled closer. "One syllable won't make me leave."

"What will? Two?"

The violet-eyed boy grinned. "Not quite, but there is something. Although, if I get it, you'll want me to stay. Begging me, in fact."

"I don't beg." Japeth answered shortly, stepped back into the wall before steeling himself as Aric approached, looking all the more like a predator. Goddamn, this was some mood.

Aric lowered his voice. "Learn to, then. You'll need it." 

"Get out of my space."

"Space isn't always needed," Aric answered, pulling out a knife once he was within two small steps of the copper-haired boy.

Japeth's heat stuttered. "You want my life?"

Aric snorted. "How childish. Of course not. I only want your freedom."

"What?" Japeth couldn't help the repulsiveness and incredulity in his tone. He had no freedom; what more could Aric take. "How about my heart instead?"

Aric's nose wrinkled. "I have no need for emotion. Waste of time, waste of power. You wanted to keep your life, did you not?"

Japeth frowned, then reached out and slapped Aric straight across the face. "You ass!"

Aric threw the knife, probably reflexively, to thud right through the wall inches from the side of Japeth's head.

"You will not touch me unless permitted, much less violently," he snarled, slamming Japeth back against the wall. "I do not want another slander spat against me, do you hear me?"

"I do, you're just not being granted your wish," Japeth answered, driving his elbow into Aric's stomach. To no avail.

"Would you like to keep trying?" The black-haired boy hissed, eyes brightening with rage. "I can break you with a snap of my knuckles; I suggest you obey me."

"I'll obey you once you get off me!" Japeth snapped back, eyes aflame.

Aric's smirk turned knife-edged.  "You'll obey me the way I want to be obeyed, with me on you."

"Fine," Japeth rolled his eyes and sighed.

"I'm unconvinced," Aric announced.

"What do you want? My signature and a diploma?" Japeth shot, irritation rising.

"Your freedom would be nice. Chain yourself to me; I need a pet," Aric answered.

"Pick Kei! He-oh, wait, he's Rhian's. Shit. Since I'm so lucky, I'll agree. Life is crap in here anyway, why not make it worse?" The twin sighed his agreement.

"You mean better. Binding, if you will."

"Fine, Your Majesty," Japeth hissed and gave Aric a quick, rough kiss, steadying himself back against the injured wall. Aric quickly leapt off Japeth and backed away a few steps.

"Why the Hell would you do that?!"

"I'm your pet," Japeth sneered.

"Holy Hell, what goes on in your head?!"

It was the copper-haired boy's turn to smirk. "Trust me on this, you don't want to know."

Aric recovered himself. "I don't. And nor do you."

"Ta-ta. I have an appointment with our wall," Japeth grinned, then dropped the camaraderie, spun, and commanded his scims to destroy the wall while he flopped back on his bed and observed.

Aric scoffed, but left. Thankfully he, unlike Rhian, didn't slam doors.

Cut me some slack, por favor. I wrote this on a whim, with jet lag, and dreads of school the next day. I'm thinking of finishing this out in a continuation, should I? And should I continue anything else? Thanks!

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