Jesus take the Wheel

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Chapter 4
3 weeks later
I haven't been to church since I've been here and I know I need to find a place of worship. But since I was up I decided to go for a walk on campus. It was a warm Sunday morning so I grabbed my phone and head out the door. Still not to familiar with the campus I didn't want to venture to far off and get lost. During orientation I found out that the campus sits on 10 acres of land and it had one lake and three small ponds. My dorm Hiton Hall sat near the lake. The Weeping Willow trees are beautiful, they are all over. I notice a few ducks and swans frolicking in the water. I head the park which sits in the center of the University. This park is surround by trees and bushes and there are so many flowers every where, they must plant and replant often. A small brook flows through the park, and near it is a bench, taking a seat I noticing that I wasn't the only one out and about. Putting in my ear buds and listing to Tamala Mann I go to my bible App and begin my morning devotions.

I always love coming here to think, no one is usually here, it's quite and I can get my head together. Getting out my car I head towards the park on campus looking for my favorite bench to sit, and mediate. I mean I believe in God and I have a relationship with God and all but I'm not apart of a church yet. I mean I know I need to find a church, but I've yet to find a place that fits me. But I know that's no excuse for me to not at least go somewhere. Walking along the path I notice my favorite bench is occupied so I keep walking heading for the next bench a few feet away. Taking out my phone I go to my bible app and begin to read. About 45 minutes later I'm feeling pretty good I get up heading back to my car I decided to head to the gym.

While reading I felt someone walk pass, looking up all I see is a guy from the back. Not wanting to be distracted I go back to reading and listening to my music. An hour later I'm hungry and head towards the dinning hall to have breakfast. When I get into the caf I see the crew, Eric and Dallas are way cooler then I first thought and are actually kinda cute. These two brothers are smart, I mean like really smart. Eric score a perfect score on his SATs and Dallas scored 100 points short of perfect. For them to be adopted they sure act like twins. M&M were sitting with the guys and everyone already had there food and was eating. I grab my food and take a seat.

" Hey Janelle" M&M say in unison. I look at the both of them and laugh these two are to much. " Hey ladies what's up" I say. Looking at Melaiane I'm surprised she's even up this morning I heard her leave late last night and she got home even later. Not wanting to put her business out there I made a note to ask her later. Before I could make a note Mercedes opens her mouth. " Hey Melanie where were you last night". Dallas instantly perk up. Giving Mercedes the side eye Melaine says nothing and continues to eat her breakfast. I laugh knowing its going to be on when we get to the room.

Later in the afternoon the girls and I head to the campus cinema to catch a matinee. Its cool how the school has its own movie theater, mini shopping center, a pizza place, a bakery, a deli shop and a full grocery store all on campus. This place is like a miniature city all within its self. The school is large, but it feels homey. More kids commute then actually live on campus.

" Hey let's go by the market and grab some skittles before the movie starts" Mercedes suggest. So to the market we go. Standing in line with our purchases I realize that I should go to the bathroom before the movie starts. So I hand off my Doritos to the girls and I head into the bathroom. Finishing up I wash my hands and head back out just as I'm leaving someone is coming in and the door smacks me in the face. I fall back on my butt holding my now throbbing head. The door stops moving because I'm now behind it but it's being pushed by someone on the other side.

"Hey stop pushing the door please there's a girl down back here" I yell.

But for what ever reason the door is still being pushed so I kick the door only to have it hit me again, now beyond pissed I'm ready to get it on with whomever is on the other side of the door. Standing on the other side of the door is none other the Tracy Chase. You see Miss Chase and I have a history, we are NOT friends at all both she and I went to the same high school.

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