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Zackary, Fairy, Teo and Alyvia was doing their final interview for the show

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Zackary, Fairy, Teo and Alyvia was doing their final interview for the show. It was a bittersweet moment. They didn't know if they was gonna have a season 2 or not, and that hurt the group the more than they'd like to admit.

"I think even though Jake and Lexy are a little skeptical about Kyle, they are still relieved because it's finally someone who Understand this" Alyvia explained. "Just hearing all of the backstories...this is a confusing world" She giggled.


"A lot of stuff happens. People die, people come back to life, there blood, there's voodoo, and craziness." Alyvia continued.

"We're gonna need a lot of coffee" Kyle told the three teens.

"And she betrayed them so it goes to shows that you can't trust anybody but your besties" She placed a hand on Bjorgvin shoulder.

"I don't think she betrays you, she just doesn't want you to get involved" Bjorgvin added. Alyvia agreed. "She knows that we trust her. So she was protecting us by drugging us. Which was really fun to film by the way." Alyvia spoke.

a behind the scene video of alyvia smiling at the camera while filming the scene

"Let's reenact that right now." Zackary suggested. Alyvia, Zackary and Fairy falls backwards dramatically. "Woahhh" They acted out, rather badly in fact.

a clip of amelia barclay is showed. Then it showed Fairy goofing around while filming the scene.

"Like i said before. Amelia barclay...is a Barclay. You cannot kill her. You can hurt her, sure. You can stab her two times in the leg, sure. but kill her? nah, you're pushing your luck there buddy." Fairy finally spoke up while holding Zackary's hand.

"it's just me and you little dude, so what's it gonna be?" She held a knife up to the doll. the doll quickly stabbed her in the leg. "OUCH WHAT THE FUCK MAN?" amelia barclay screamed at the doll as she kicked him across the room, knocking the knife out of his hand.  "Well huh, that was easy as fuck." The doll jumped back up and ran towards her. "God fucking kill me please."

"It was fun to film that next scene after that because of the simple fact that i got to put 100 percent emotion into this one. Like the scream was so powerful. Like the second time that he stabbed her, it was like she actually started feeling the pain." Fairy spoke. Alyvia nodded. "She screamed and everyone behind the cameras just went absolutely quiet. Don was watching and I swear i saw a tear in his eyes" Alyvia laughed. Don smiled. "I did start crying. I won't lie about it" He laughed.

Amelia screamed out in pain. The scream was loud, painful and honestly, enough to bring tears to your eyes. Lexy laid her hand on her chest. "No, no, no Amelia please please live. Please! i'll go public about our relationship, i won't hide it anymore. i'll scream it from the top of the roof just please live"

"We finally get a lexy and amelia kiss scene" Alyvia smiled at Fairy. Fairy chuckled. "After so long of them just teasing us, we finally get one. I mean, Of course it may have only happened because Lexy thought Amelia was gonna die so she decided to be bold about it and finally kiss her but it's the thought that counts." Fairy shrugged.

Amelia and Lexy kissed. Lexy pulled away a few seconds later. "please live" Amelia chuckled. Then started laughing to the extreme. "Babe, he stabbed me in the leg. I'm not gonna die from that" She lifted herself up from the ground, leaning on her girlfriend for support. Lexy gave her a bad look. "I fucking hate you" She pulled Amelia into another kiss.

"I don't like seeing my girlfriend kiss anyone else" Zackary pouted. "Want a kiss?" Fairy raised her eyebrows at him and he nodded. Fairy quickly gave him a kiss and pulled away, looking back at everyone else. "I love them" Teo finally spoke up. Alyvia and Bjorgvin agreed. Don nodded. "They're relationship goals." He finally said.

"You're mad because i took your girlfriend from you?" Amelia smirked. Junior growled, running towards her with a knife. She jumped out the way and jumped onto his back, wrestling him for the knife. "It's not my fault that your girlfriend wanted to be my girlfriend" Amelia whispered in his ear before pushing him down to the ground, making the knife slide away from him.


"Filming this show has been fun. I met my girlfriend here, and i couldn't be happier." He smiled over at Fairy who was behind the cameras. She did a half heart symbol with her left hand and he did it back with his right hand. He smiled, blushing. "She's perfect. Also, i hope we get a season 2." He added on quickly.

"So, we just got done filming the scene of Jake running away. I finally got to see my girlfriend today because she hasn't been on set in two days" zackary wrapped his arms around Fairy's waist. He kissed her cheek. "I missed you alot love" She smiled up at him. "I missed you too."

Fairy took his spot in the chair. "Well, obviously as you all know, i met Zackary here. This guy started off with some pretty terrible pick up line. He even asked me when did i get named fairy. and i was like "uh, maybe the day i was born? i don't know though." and It was almost comedic. But it worked in the end. He finally got my heart." She smirked at him. Zackary yelled from behind the camera. "PLEASE TAKE MY WALLET AND BUY ANYTHING THAT YOU WANT WITH IT" The crew laughed loudly.

this episode fucked me up. idek anymore tbh.
plus this is part 1 of 2 parts.


and yes i know that there's a season 2 coming out next year.

but at the time, they didn't know that.

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