Basic day / night club

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Sasha POV:

We are all getting ready.
Today we didn't do anything in particular so I got to know them a little more.
They are all really nice and I feel more and more comfortable around them.
They are even better than you might think with TV if that is possible.

Apart from the people on my bus, I didn't meet anyone.
Honestly, I'm a little grateful for that because that's already a lot of people in a very short period of time. it's already complicated to get to know all these people; therefore everything in due time.

Other than that, I decided not to put on too much makeup.
Okay, that wasn't necessarily the most important information, but my skin needs a little rest.
Also I dress in simple clothes and I put on my doc Martens. I really don't want to do more today. We will see tomorrow to make efforts.

When I'm ready I leave the bedroom. There are already Kade and Roy who are the fastest of all of us apparently.
I sit down with them two and we are very soon joined by Dane. I learn by talking to them that José is very slow like really slow and therefore that we would not leave for at least 30 minutes.

When they tell me that I look at the time. It's still quite early, we might miss the start of the show but even that would surprise me. In all cases, we will see at least part of it.

We talk about everything and nothing. In fact, mostly from tonight's program. They ask me a few questions about the club, queens and all that.
As expected, José arrived last but just 25 minutes later. Apparently this is one of his speed records!

So we all set off together for the car, which luckily is big enough to take nine people. It's a van.
I'll pass the part of the road to you because we don't really care. They just had a fight over the music.

When we arrive we all go out and they are still arguing for ... well, always the same reason; the music.
Before returning kade separates from the group to come towards me "listen I know you are used to coming here but stay with us and do not take strangers or drugs. If you want to go with your friends tell me us and the same, if there is a problem you come see us right away. " Hearing it the others turned to us "Okay but don't worry, all will be fine" I answer them.

(AN: that's what I say before every party but I end up in the bathroom all the time lol)

I see them a little quieter. As they do not seem to decide to enter in this place I take the initiative to do so first.

I open the door and I am immediately immersed in this incredible atmosphere. The show won't start for 15 minutes, but there is already music.
The lights are not too aggressive and people are gathered around the bar. You can immediately feel the friendliness of this place.
"Do you want me to show you around?" I ask them because I know that the visit will not be too long. "Come on! Rock the music" Dane answers me or shouts (it's up to you).

I show them all the places a bit quickly and when the visit is over, so 5 minutes later, I suggest they go see the queens.
"They let you go like this?" Roy asks me "Normally we are not allowed to go but I know them all very well so they make an exception for me" I answer him.
The five follow me to the backstage where everyone is getting ready.
As soon as we get back I run to my drag family.

We are all part of the same family by alliance, but we have lots of small families in the big family.

"Hi guys! Are you ready to kill the show tonight ?!" I ask them "now that you are here it will be so much better, especially for bob" answers Ava Claire / Brian.
I'm going to see Bob / May and he's fine, he just needs some help with his abs.
"Yo bro" I check him "do you need help with that problem? "
"Yeah, a little," he said. I take everything I need and do his sit-ups. In fact I just corrected his abs because they were already pretty good. "You got better, they were almost perfect" I said "thank you man, I learned from you".

We started doing drag around the same time but we learned different things.
As you've probably figured out, I'm more into the abs. Well, Bob is more bearded.
We are very good at the specialty of one and the other now but we continue to help each other since we are the only two to do drag king here.
I love him so much, just like all my family.

"Who is it?" I turn to see my new family looking at me strangely. "Well guys it's Bob or May and he's one of my best friends. And Bob it's José, Dane, Dave, Kade and Roy" I introduce them.

They all look at each other before they start talking with a big smile as usual.
My other friends are coming to see us soon so I introduce them too.
Unfortunately, our manager comes to tell us that we must leave the queens because it's time to perform.

When we get to the other side of the stage I take them to the bar or one of my favorite places here.
Fortunately there aren't too many people so we can all sit next to each other.
"Oh Ash, I get you the same thing as usual?" Toni calls out to me.
It's the bartender who is really super nice. I've known him since I started performing here and he's kinda become my confidant over time and as I have become his.

"Yes, a coke please" I told him making him understand that I couldn't have alcohol with the people next to me.

He asks others what they want and he comes back a few moments later with our drinks.
"So! What are the news here?"
Another thing that's great about Toni is that he knows absolutely all the gossip.
"You know Ruby and Veronica" "yes" "well they got it wrong. Like we caught them outside while they were sleeping together" "but they can't take a room" "I swear ... then also mister gray, hetero, I take myself too much for a handsome kid. He tried to take it out on Jane but luckily saw it in time so he's with the cops there " " damn but he's really an asshole this guy, we didn't feel it from the start, luckily we watched him " " yeah, he never sets foot here again

I hear a clearing of the throat behind us so I turn to see the boys who are looking at us with a rather suspicious look. Again...
Ah yes I had forgotten those there. Well no, but at the same time as her idea of ​​coming to this bar precisely and at the same time as me?

"Oh yes, maybe I forgot to do the introductions. It's Toni and Toni it's José, Dane, Dave, Kade and Roy" "Are you the one who adopt my little Ash?" Toni asks with his serious look that is a little scary. "Yes it's us" Dane comes forward with José who accompanies him "You had better pay attention to her, she deserves it" This time Toni had lost a little of her serious gaze "we are counting on it" José spoke to his turn.

Then we shut up because the show was about to start. My drag mother host tonight and like every time she host we are never disappointed.
You have to admit that she has experience and a great sense of humor which helps. Besides, she seems determined to roast the room today because, in addition to a few other people, José and Roy had just been destroyed.
I was laughing when I got one too.
I can assure you that in general people laugh a lot less ... except when it's me. I always laugh more and I answer more.
Well it's true that with middle school I'm used to it (especially training) but hey ...

After the show the evening ended very well. My two families are talking and they all seem to get along well (especially in terms of winnowing me).
I think I have never been that happier for a long time, for the first time I have hope for the future.
It is a new chapter which opens and one old, rather ugly besides, which closes.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2022 ⏰

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