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Boo! I bet I scared you. Hello and welcome! This dairy was initially MINE but then a annoying little tank with the name that shall not be mentioned  made me share it! How rude! But to get on track. I been always wanting a diary to read in my thoughts about school. I know, sounds pretty lame but here we are. And I already have something to write about!

So  me and 38t or "T" as I liked to call him were walking to our first class of the year When all the sudden scream could be heard though-out the school. We knew who it was so we rapidly drove to the source of the sound. There he was. Covenanter, or who we liked to jokingly call "Venator" was on his knees crying as the pride of  British, the very pretty looking girl who goes by Matilda simply drove past him. It was pretty obviously he asked Matilda to go on a date. So the two of us quickly drove to see what happened

"Woah Venator! What happened to you?" 38t snickered

"I got rejected!" He dramatically said loudly

At that moment I lose myself for a few seconds

"Venator! I am going to lose it! This is the 5 girl you asked to court you! And the 4 before her were her sisters!" I yelled at him

he looked at us with a dreadful expresion

38t helped him up.

"Your alright there champ?" Panzer 38t asked with a smile

"Yeah, let's just go" He announced as the three of us walked together into the classroom!

You see a important lesson to learn from that is to never try your heart at love on the First day. Lesson learned!

Me and 38t sat at lunch eating our Gasoline sandwiches. Well only 38t as I preferred Diesel flavored sandwiches. He was rambling on about his apparently "BRAND NEW" bucket list for the year where he flexed about how he was going to get his goal on the first day of school. 

"Yeah right" I replied "I don't think that is going to go so well for you, just saying"

But he was sure alright, but his plan was very stupid. You see he was trying to make a letter for tank used to have a crush on me (BT-5). Of course, he doesn't anymore, and we are good friends. But I guess he wants to make a faking note that says I am in love with him secretly. The plan kinda of made me worried as I heavily respected him and didn't want to pull on his heart like that but I agreed to the plans anyways. 

He snuck into the class and then desk of BT-5 and left the note there. It was glittery and extremely decorated. For I have no idea how he replicated me do well but I guess that what happens when you are friends with someone for years. Kind of makes me wonder how can he remember soooo much about me? I remember he had a great memory I guess..... Anyways, What would to happen would be one of the most reverse plots I've ever witnessed!

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