3rd POV "Early Disaster"

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38t left the letter as he quickly scurried of with A-20 as they laughed back to their next class. The bell rang as activity around the halls ceased. Like a drop of a pin, the halls were empty. In HMS Belfast's class(The ships are teachers), BT-5 came to his seat as he looked at a sparkly letter in front of him.

The letter looked very nice but something that throw his ADHD of was the AWFUL handwriting with it. But He was pretty sure he could read it.

"Huh? Why does it have my younger sister's name on it?

He thought, before grabbing the letter and pushed it into a 9th year named KV-2. "Hey, pass this down to my little sister" He whispered. KV-2 grunted as he flipped the letter to BT-2 . She gasped as she looked at her letter.

"Wow!! A secret letter from a secret friend! Thanks KV-2!" She screamed in happiness as she neatly tore into the letter. KV-2 just rolled his eyes as she ripped it apart.

"Wait.... what?" She said after a short pause

"Hey lil BT, would you be quite please? I am trying to teach Hetzer geometry here!" HMS Belfast yelled across the room

"Ok Miss Belfast!" She yelled back as she got off her tank desk and rolled to BT--5.

"Hey bro! Look at this letter from A-20!"

"Whaaatttt?" Moaned Bt-5 as he looked at the letter

"Well first of all, this isn't from A-20 for sure. Looks like 38ts"

"Wait Really!!!???? Then why would he send me a fake note?

BT-5 thought for a second before Bt-2 cut in

"Hold on! What if this was A-20! She may have made this note and accidently left her name on it?"

"Well actually, that would make sense, seems like her" He smiled and blushed a little bit, looking at the ceiling in bliss with his turret. Only to receive a dirty look from BT-2.

"Bro are you having a wet dream about her?" She snickered

"No!" He replied "Wet dreams only happen at night gosh Darn it!"

BT-2 laughed at her partially dirty joke.


"Hey, Panzer 3?" asked a cute little voice.

"Yah?" Panzer 3 looked away from his book to see Pershing, all cute, looking at him.

"Would it be fine if I asked you a question?"

"Yah, spit it out" Replied Panzer 3 without much enthusiasm.

"So, you know Panzer 38t right?" She started.


"And you know that I am new here, right?"


"So he was assigned to take me around the school"


"Wellll He didn't though, we talked before school, and he was all charming and really nice! I really wanted to know him better.... and then when school started, he was gone!"

Panzer III closed his book as he looked at her

"Well, he was at school today, in fact, I saw him during with first period with A-20"

"Who's A-20?"

"Oh A-20? She and 38t had been friends since 2nd year. I kind of wonder now and again if something more was growing, yet I can't figure out what that is though, maybe just a itch"

Pershing quickly suffocated her jealousy in a quick emotional vacuum as she spoke.

"Wow? They seem good friends"

"Yah, as good as can be, anyways is that all?"

"Wow you don't want talk to me. You're the one who recommend this school to me and when I get here, you barely even care!"

"Well yeah... that is kind of my character."

"Well I got a plan to get his attention!"

"Yah" Panzer III said as he got a new book, this one was about the early Blitzkreig.

"Hey don't wonder off again! But anyways my plan includes you! So listen up!"

Panzer III looked from his book with genuine interest.


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