How you meet

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Peter, Ray, Winston, and Egon had just finished a job as they started cleaning up they were discussing things they'll need for their business. Ray smiled softly and quickly spoke up, "hey we should bring another person in on this!" His smile grew a bit. Peter tilted his head slightly, "ya got someone in mind Ray?" He asked. Ray nodded quickly thinking of you in an instant. "I have this friend who I've known for a while. She's super into ghosts!" He said excitedly. Peter raised a brow and smirked. "Your friend is a she?" Ray nodded and continued cleaning. Egon, Winston, and Peter looked at each other confused on how and why they'd never heard of you before. "And how come we've never heard of this friend Ray?" Egon asked his intrest growing slowly. Ray thought for a moment and shrugged, "she just didn't come up in our conversations." Egon nodded. "I could give her a call and ask her if she'd meet you guys." Ray smiled softly. Winston nods "sounds cool." He smiled softly and shrugged. Ray smiled more and ran over to the phone immediately dialing your number hoping you were there.

Ray was lucky that you barely slept which ment you could answer the phone. "Hello, Dr. Y/N L/N speaking." You said. "Hey N/N, its Ray!" He said excitedly. You smiled softly and sat back. "Hello Ray. How are you?" He sat up on a desk, "I'm doing good, what about you?" You shrugged slightly, "I'm ok. Now what are you calling about?" Ray perked up a bit, "well me and some friends of mine have opened a business for hunting ghosts, and I was wondering if maybe you'd wanna meet them?" He asked hopefully. You raised a brow and thought about it. "That sounds nice actually." You said. Ray smiled more, "great! If you want we could all go to lunch." He offered. "Wonderful. However my car is broken down." You said and started reading over your research. "Oh we could pick you up." He said. "Would you be able to pick me up at my job?" You asked. "Absolutely just give us the address." He exclaimed. "Alright, do you have some paper and a pencil?" You asked. Ray looked around and nodded taking a pen out of Peter's pocket and a notepad out of a drawer, "now I do." You told him the address of the college you work at as a professor and worked in your own lab, much like they used to. He nodded and copied it down. You two talked a little more to set up where you would go and such before saying you goodbyes and goodnights.

~~~~Time Skip~~~~

You were working in your lab on an experiment that you had been working on for a while as you waited for the four men you were about to see. You suddenly heard a knock on your lab door and you called out, "it's open." Without looking back. Ray opened the door and smiled seeing you. "Hey N/N!" He said excitedly. You smiled softly and continued working. "Hello Ray." Ray lead the others over to you and opened his arms for a hug. You glanced at him then back at your work, "I would hug you but I have chemicals all over me." Ray nodded and put his arms down. "Anywho, these are the other Ghostbusters. Dr. Peter Venkman." He pointed at a guy with brown hair and a smirk on his face, "hiya." Peter said. You looked and nodded. "Winston Zeddmore." He pointed at a very sweet looking black man, "nice to meet you." Winston smiled softly. You nodded and smiled back. "And Dr. Egon Spengler." He pointed to a tall handsome man with brown hair and brown eyes that were slightly hidden behind his glasses. You looked over at him and blushed softly seeing him. He looked over at the group from where he was standing looking at some of your equipment when he heard his name, then nodded at you. "Hello." Egon said in a welcoming voice which made you smile softly. "Hello." You replied then looked back at Ray. "So whatcha working on?" Ray asked. You looked back towards your experiment, "oh, it's rather simple really, I'm seeing what happens when two chemicals with radically different reactions mix on a singular object and how that object reacts over a few days of being exposed to both of them." You explained matter of factly. Ray nodded and smiled softly, "sounds cool." You raised a brow at him slightly and turned back to your experiment. "Thank you Ray." "I think its rather fascinating." You heard Egon say from right next to you where he had moved so he could get a better look at the experiment. You glanced over at him and smiled softly, "thank you, as do I." Peter and Winston shared a slight smirk while looking at each other. "So are we ready to go to lunch?" Peter asked. You, Egon and Ray all looked up from your experiment over to the two men. "Right, my apologies. I almost forgot why you four were here. Just let me change out of these clothes really quick." You said standing up. You turned on your heel to grab your bag with extra clothes in it, but before you could reach for the bag you slipped on some water you didn't see and fell. You braced to impact the floor but instead you hit something softer. "Are you alright?" Egon asked looking down at you as he was the one to catch you. You looked up at him and nodded, ", yes, thank you." He nodded and stood you up straight. You took hold of the bag and walked to the bathroom looking carefully at the floor making sure you didn't slip again although, if Egon was there to catch you then maybe it wouldn't be so bad.

Egon Spengler x reader imagines and preferences Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat