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(Magical Stiles, Genius Stiles)


Lydia hated Stiles.
Well she sort of loved him, and he wasn't exactly at fault for highlighting every one if her insecurities just by existing.
But he did.

He never cared a jot what people thought of him, was immune to his peers distain and judgement whilst half her mind was devoted to winning their approval.
He never even attempted to fit in. Or be likeable. Or anything. He just was himself, and he liked himself in a level of healthy self love no teenager should have mastered.

The worst part though was his mind.
Lydia was a genius. Maths and Physics could hide no mystery from her eyes and she could explain quantum theory in archaic latin or greek in her dreams.

But Stiles was a different kind of genius. The creative kind, the strategic kind, the effortless kind. He was an original in personality, in life and in mind.
He could beat Peter Hale in chess whilst waxing lyrical on the plot of Star Wars and working his way through five dozen curly fries.
He was pure creative energy, and any plan they came up with he could subvert and improve with only 5% of his attention focused on the problem.
He was six impossible things before breakfast and it infuriated her.

He infuriated Peter for the same reasons.
They kind of bonded over it in an exchanging angry stares as Stiles casually blew their minds whilst beating Isaac in Halo sort of way.

Like today.
Today when Stiles was busy cooking (delicious) spatchcock chicken for the pack, realised he didn't have paprika, and without even looking or thinking about it, in front of the entire pack, opened a football sized portal reached through with his hand and came back with a packet of paprika.
He added it to the sizzling chicken and continued to chatter about the history of the spice trade not even realising the entire room had gone quiet.

Stiles' magic wasn't new. He'd discovered his spark about a year back, and disappeared that summer to train it.
Lydia had no metric for magic skill level but gathered Stiles was a genius with it too by the way Deaton joined Peter and her in the glowering fury of people who thought they were smart until Stiles came flailing into their lives.

"Stiles?" Asked Lydia.
Peter spoke up, "care to share with the class how you just broke magic?"
Deaton looked about two seconds away from bursting into tears. Lydia wasn't sure whether that was something she wanted to see or not.

Stiles paused and then registered the room. Catching the stares of most of the pack he followed them to the paprika packet still in his left hand.
He blinked and then realisation hit, and he grinned, "Oh!! Yeah, I can do portals now, total X-men vibes am I right?"
Lydia hated Stiles.

Derek scowled, "Stiles when were you planning on telling us! This could be essential in a fight!"
Stiles shrugged unashamed, "I can't quite do big enough portals for people to get through and wanted to practise a bit before sharing with the pack. Pointless telling when it isn't useful."
"Useful..." echoed Peter distantly.

"How!" Exclaimed Deaton, apparently recovered enough to verbalise. "Portals are impossible! They would require an incredibly complicated runic array and at least one human sacrifice, and even then you don't have the magical power required to move things over that distance!"
Deaton's utter outrage seems to really hammer it home to the rest of the pack who don't even get distracted as Stiles dishes up food.
Stiles actually rolled his eyes, the audacity of it makes her want to scream, "I'm not moving the stuff, the stuff moves anyway. Space is bendy like that."
Peter looked like he wanted to strangle Stiles, Lydia probably wouldn't stop him.

Stiles turns to her, all casual, "Lyds help me out. You know this stuff it's the Einstein-Rosen bridge thingy. Fold the page, fold the space. Not much magic needed and no dramatic sacrifices."
Lydia shook her head and he sighs, moving over to grab a newspaper and felt tip pen before laying it out on the table.
He draws two circles on opposite pages, and points to them, explaining impatiently, "so this is Derek's kitchen, and this is the Stilinski spice cabinet. All you need to do is this..." he fold the paper so the circles meet, and then stabs the pen through two. "No distance at all. Wormholes guys, surely one of you has seen a movie or read this somewhere."

There's complete silence for a bit.
Then Deaton makes a throaty cough, "I'm no longer teaching you."
Stiles stares, "what???"
"I fear teaching you will only make you more ignorant of magic." He turns and leaves without another word.
"Cryptic motherfucker." Scowls Stiles, unaware that everyone else understood exactly where the druid was coming from. "Bastard was teaching me bullshit anyway, making up stupid rules."

He turns away to open a can of mountain dew, then freezes when he turns back and sees the feral look in Peter's eyes.
"Creeper wolf?"
Peter only snarled.
Stiles glanced around at all of their furious faces. "I'm...I think Imma go."
He grabbed the Paprika packet and fell through a portal in the floor just as Peter lunged across the kitchen.
Lydia rather wishes the man had got there in time.
Such a lazy genius should not be allowed to live.

Then Stiles falls from a portal in the ceiling landing on Peter's shoulders and causing the man to stumble about in shock at the unexpected weight.
There's a moment when all their brains struggle catch up.

Then Stiles unleashes a cackle of pure joy and Lydia remembers no matter how much she hates Stiles, she really loves him too.

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