Marcy wu/truth or dare (in human world lol)

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3rd person pov:
Y/n was preparing for the sleepover she had planned with her besties at her house while her parents were out.
Her friends soon came and they messed around for awhile until Sasha suggested truth or dare
Y/n, Anne, and Marcy looked at each other knowing truth or dare with Sasha never ends good for at least one of them.
They all head to Y/n's bedroom

Marcy's pov:
I sit next to Y/n and blush lightly... why do I always feel like this... could I?...
No. I can't like her, I don't want to ruin our friendship. I let out a sigh
"Are you okay"Y/n says, and gives me a concerned yet genuine smile.
"So cute.."I say under my breath. Omg did I say that...
"Huh?"She questions. "Oh I said... that painting is so cute"I say and point to a random painting. "Its a painting of a banana?"Sasha says. "Bananas are amazing."
"Uh, anyway- let's get this game started."Sasha continues.
"Anne, truth or dare?"Sasha asks , and Anne gets A little scared
"Truth."She answers.
"Who do you trust the most out of everyone in this room?"Sasha asks
"Probably Y/n.. but I do trust all of you."Anne answers and blushes lightly.
I look at y/n and she giggles and blushes lightly as well.
"Aw, I trust you too, Anne. "Y/n says, and I can't help but feel jealous.
"Anne it's your turn"Sasha says.
"Oh yeah- Marcy, truth or dare?"Anne asks. Of course I'm next, why wouldn't I be? Woah where did this random sarcasm come from? I'm low key annoying myself.
"Truth."Yep, truth.. simple enough
"Who would you kiss out of the three of us."wtf Anne
My cheeks flood red, as I already know my answer... it just can't leave my mouth
""I manage to stutter out
"Homophobic Marcy activated lmfao"Sasha says, laughing at my awkwardness.
For some reason Y/n seemed very quiet.
"Probably Y/n, if I had too..."I say, and turn red obviously lying through my teeth, because I would do it even if I didn't have too. I look over to Y/n and she's bright pink too... oh no.. did I say something too embarrassing
The rest of the game went on and Y/n was kinda quiet and only picking truths the whole time...
*time skip🤪*
I lay on the ground in my sleeping bag, unable to sleep.
I sigh and turn to see Anne and Sasha sleeping on my right and I sit up
I check my phone... 3am...
I get up and walk to the kitchen to get a drink of water ... Y/n's house is so pretty at night.
I'm in the kitchen, drinking my water and collecting my thoughts...
"Marcy?"I hear a sleepy voice say behind me
It's Y/n... she looks cute with messy hair...
"H-hi... what are you doing up?"I say and blush
"I saw you missing.. and came to check on you..."She says, and she blushes a little... is she really blushing? Is it because I embarrassed her? Oh no...
"Sorry about the embarrassing moment earlier... you know with Anne's  question.."I say, looking away.
"I didn't think it was embarrassing.. actually, I was hoping you would say that..."She says and I widen my eyes in disbelief.
"Really??? You're not pulling a prank with Sasha on me right now, right?"I say
She giggles
"No, definitely not."she laughs lightly
"I've kinda been meaning to tell you this for awhile now, Marcy.. but"She starts
"I like you. A lot... do you like me too??"She asks.....
I Just wanted to scream in joy, because DUH WHO WOULDNT
"Of course! Do you maybe... Wanna go on a date?"I ask, awkwardly blushing.
"Yes! Uh I mean, yeah."she says and can't hold ur excitement.
We stay up the rest of the night laughing and talking about moments we really wanted to ask each other out lol

this is so shorter than I would like...
Anyway ya
Also I'm sleepy so like, don't judge me for any errors😭

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