BUTTERFLY EFFECT: Upgrading the System

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The small troupe made it back to Dinah's place by midnight. Needless to say, it was way passed Lyla's bed time. The little one was knocked out in Dinah's arms as they walked inside.

"I'll meet you in the operation room," the blonde told Normani.

The ebony smiled before watching Dinah walk up the stairs with a sleeping Lyla, Kali following close behind. The ebony leisurely made her way to the operation room. Tools were already placed out, along with a whole new system that would soon replace the one piece of her dad she had left.

"This is really happening..." she said to herself, "...this is good. This needs to happen. If you don't go through with this, you won't even make it to the end of the year..."

"Quite a pep talk," Dinah said from the doorway.

Normani turned around and grew sheepish. Dinah didn't mind. This was a big deal. And while she was very good at her job, she wanted to assure Normani that everything would be executed in excellence.

"Have you thought about how you wanna go about this?" she asked the ebony.

Normani looked off in thought before locking eyes with Dinah again.

"Take it all out..."

Dinah's eyebrows shot up.

"You sure? I really have no problem keeping some of your dad's old system intact. All we'll have to do is-"

"It's fine," Normani softly interrupted. "I can't keep holding onto the past. It's been my crutch for years. I can't keep fighting against something that'll help me to actually live."

Dinah looked into the ebony's eyes for any sign of regret or second guessing. She found none.

"Okay," she smiled. "I'll help you get situated. It'll be a pretty lengthy process, but I'll try to make you as comfortable as possible. Once his system is completely out, you'll be paralyzed again, so you'll have no feeling for ten to twenty minutes, max. Sound good?"

Normani nodded, not quite meeting the blonde's eyes. Dinah smiled in sympathy before drawing closer to her, using her middle finger to stroke the middle of Normani's back straight down. The action caused the ebony to release a much needed, deep breath as she felt her system respond. It was then that she finally looked in Dinah's copper-glowing eyes.

"You can do this," Dinah encouraged. "We have all night. Pretty soon, you'll be a whole new woman...droid..."

Normani chuckled at the corny joke, but was grateful that the blonde made it. It calmed her nerves. She never wanted to feel the horrid reality of being paralyzed every again. She didn't think she ever would. But that reality was paired with the bright future she had with Dinah's new system. So, with a hesitant nod, she got into submissive mode and allowed Dinah to instruct her through every step.

"I know we just met," the blonde said, "and I swear I'll be professional about it. But, you're gonna have to lose the clothes. If it'll make you more comfortable, I'll strip too."

Normani chuckled.

"So, we'll both be naked?"

"Well, I mean...I guess I could just stick to a bra and shorts. But again...I'll be keeping it very professional."

The ebony snorted before discarding herself of her clothing. Dinah did the same until she was only in her bra and briefs. Now bare, Normani self-activated her system, her eyes glowing bright. She suddenly felt herself being lifted off the ground. She looked down and saw that she was levitating through some kind of beam. She looked at Dinah as she circled around her, bringing a swivel chair with her before pulling out her tools.

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