Chapter 1

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Aurora was pregnant. That alone was more than enough for the Moor people to celebrate. Diaval and I watched in amusement as the fairies danced and slung mud at each other underneath the sparkling night sky. The Fey were there too, adding in bursts of enjoyment for the others by playing the occasional prank and grabbing unsuspecting fairies with various roots and vines. Maleficent was watching from the shadows, a small smile gracing her features once or twice that I could see. I let my fingers play with the pendant on the necklace Maleficent had given me. The magic within it allowed me to transform freely into whatever form I wished. Diaval's pendant allowed the same. Both of us were human at the moment, watching the antics of the fairies contentedly. Diaval had his arm around me as I leaned into his touch.

"Why do you think Maleficent freed us?" Diaval asked quietly, looking into the fire in front of them.

"We owed her a life debt. That debt was paid, wasn't it? I thought it was out of the change in her heart." I demurred. "Why do you ask?"

"I can't imagine leaving the Moors. It's a home to me, as is being with you, Maleficent, and Aurora. But there's always a...a curiosity, if you will, to see what's beyond the Moors and Ulstead." Diaval said quietly.

"I can't imagine leaving the Moors forever." I said, now tilting my head back to gaze at the stars overhead.

"Do you miss what things were like, before Maleficent saved you?" Diaval asked, now looking at me.

"What do you want me to say? That I wish Maleficent had never saved me and that I could leave the Moors forever?" I added, shifting slightly against Diaval as I grinned at him. A rustle was heard behind us, but neither Diaval nor I gave it a second thought. "I would have died if events had not played out like they did. And I wouldn't have met you. I'll never leave the Moors. I'm happy here, and even though Maleficent may have freed us, I have no intention of leaving her."

"Nor I. I love you, Ary, and I'm glad the way things turned out as they did." Diaval agreed, kissing the side of my head softly. "I wouldn't change a thing."

Mud suddenly hit me in the face, and I whipped around to see several mud creatures laughing and pointing, some falling over each other in merriment. I grinned devilishly.

"It is so on!"

**The next day**


I stirred from my position next to Diaval, blinking my eyes owlishly. Had someone called my name?


I looked around and saw Maleficent beckoning. I moved slowly so as to not wake Diaval and went to Maleficent.

"Yes, Mistress?" I whispered, the cool lights of dawn just brushing the Moors.

"I have a request for you on behalf of Aurora. Are you willing?" Maleficent asked.

"Yes, of course." I agreed. 

"Aurora has concerns about the eastern borders of the Moors. She wants someone to check on the disputes in Othorin without seeming suspicious and report back after a week. I recommended you, and Aurora and Philip agreed." Maleficent said softly.

"On my own?" I asked tentatively, a small shiver running down my back. Othorin was known for their hunters and their slave trade. "Won't you or Diaval be coming with?"

"No, Arya. The reason I am telling you now is because the matter is pressing. You must leave within the half hour." Maleficent paused. "I would not have recommended you if I didn't believe you could do it." She finished.

I noticed a green flash in Maleficent's eyes, but it was gone the next second. It must have been the light. "Of course, Mistress. May I say a quick goodbye?"

"No!" Maleficent's rebuttal was quicker, louder, and harsher than Arya had heard in months. "Aurora and Phillip want this done in utmost secrecy. I am the only one who knows besides them. Now go. Light is quickly approaching and you must be gone before anyone thinks to look for you." Maleficent's tone was softer now, but I couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong.

"Yes, Mistress." I bowed her head to Maleficent before shifting into wolf form and running off in the direction of Othorin. At least I'll have a lot of time to think on this trip.


Here's the first chapter! Next one will have Maleficent's POV as well


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