Chapter 5

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Turns out when Arthur made a deal with Maleficent, he agreed to free me once she signed an agreement to turn the borders of the Moors over to their poaching purposes. He also promised that I wouldn't be let go without what he called physical damage. That was something he made good on almost instantly. The first thing he'd done after I was retied to the tree was take off his leather belt and beat me with it repeatedly like a whip. My back was sure to have scarring. They hadn't taken off my shirt, and for that I was thankful, but the back of the shirt was beginning to shred. I had yelled out in pain multiple times, which only egged them on further, but I never cried. I refused to show weakness to the likes of them. They removed the muzzle once to let me eat the scraps of their dinner, but it was back on immediately after that. They threw a horse blanket over me and went into their tent. Once they finally went to sleep, I let the tears fall. I had failed Maleficent, Aurora, and the Moors. As a helper to the Guardian of the Moors, I was supposed to prevent occasions like this from happening. Maleficent had been counting on me, and now the only way out of this awful situation was to hand over poaching rights to these criminals! They had already captured a few fairies and kept them in various containments near me. They looked at me in pity and helplessness, and I closed my eyes in defeat. There was still no moon, and the starlight couldn't penetrate the canopy. It really seemed like there was no hope.


"You did what?!" Diaval asked in disbelief. Maleficent had come back from the border flying erratically and clearly not thinking straight.

"I don't wish to repeat myself, Diaval. I feel remorse for it, but I will not go through the ordeal of saying it once again." Maleficent said, rubbing her horns.

"Godmother, why would you send Arya on a mission when this would likely happen?" Aurora interjected, holding her husband's hand for support.

"That is something I do not wish to discuss at this moment. If you all please, could we devise some sort of plan to get her out of this situation alive?" Maleficent asked harshly.

"You mean one that doesn't involve us handing over hunting rights in the Moors to poachers?" Phillip clarified, Aurora nodding in agreement.

"Exactly." Maleficent agreed. My mind was whirling. The woman I loved was currently held captive by poachers/slave traders, and there was nothing we could do that wouldn't result in her death aside from sentencing other Moor creatures to death as well.

"Well, couldn't Diaval make it undetected?" Phillip asked. Aurora and Maleficent also turned to me.

"I suppose, if I was extremely careful." I said, quickly seeing what Phillip was thinking of.

"But if he can, why don't we just rescue Arya right then? They can't exactly kill her if she's gone." I nodded with Phillip's statement.

Maleficent's eyes met mine. "She can't get away as quickly as you, Diaval. Her pendant was taken." Maleficent said, her wings drooping slightly.

"And that's why you couldn't kill them instantly, Mistress. They have the pendant, and the magic inside is protecting them." I realized. Maleficent nodded remorsefully.

"But Diaval could still check on Arya. Make sure she's okay? Well, as okay as she can be, while we continue to try for a plan?" Aurora pressed. Maleficent looked at me. I nodded to her, slight hope in my expression, and she nodded back evenly. That was all the invitation I needed and took to the skies after shifting to a raven. As a raven I could see much better and farther than my human form. The forest stretched far beneath me, but the night sky couldn't hide much from me as I flew toward Othorin. I needed to see that Arya was okay. Maleficent hadn't even said what the object of the mission she had sent Arya was for. And yet it had resulted in this. I caught the wind current with my wings and glided down toward the canopy top by the border. I could just smell whiffs of a recently put out fire and slowed my approach so as to come silently. I landed in the branches of a dying tree and looked down on the small camp.

There was a large tent in the small clearing lit with at least two lanterns. From the shadows only one man seemed to be moving around inside, likely the one who had put out the fire that was a short distance from the tent. A small pack animal was tethered to a post by the tent. By the tree nearest the tent, there were an abundance of cages ranging in sizes, some already with occupants. Small glass jars were nearby as well, also holding occupants that Diaval recognized to be Moorfolk. But what caught my eye the most was what was tied to the tree. It was none other than Arya. A horse blanket had been thrown over her, and she appeared to be sleeping, but the cold air that spoke of the coming winter had her shaking terribly. I shook my wings out and glided down the short distance to the ground, stopping in front of Arya.

The sound of my talons on the dying leaves made a small sound, enough that her eyes shot open, looking around until they landed on me. Arya's eyes softened as they glistened with moisture in the light of the lanterns. I hopped up onto her shoulder, nuzzling her cheek with my feathery head while avoiding the strange leather contraption on her face. Her first reaction was to flinch before relaxing into the touch, which worried me. Arya had never shied away from our touch before. If I could do it without getting caught, I'd shift back to human just to kiss her and reassure her she would get through this. Arya drew back to look at me, the glistening from earlier having fully turned into tears. I could only lean my head against hers for some form of comfort. Maleficent was right; Arya couldn't get away from here if she didn't have her pendant. We stayed like that until the first glimmers of dawn began to appear. I nudged Arya gently, and she looked at me sadly, knowing I had to go. I nuzzled my head under her chin one last time before flapping my wings and taking to the air. Hopefully my mistress, Aurora, and Phillip had been able to come up with a solution.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2021 ⏰

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