Chapter 2

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"Mistress, have you seen Arya?" Diaval approached me as I observed Fey children learning to fly.

"I have. I requested that she inquire of something for me. Is there something pressing she must attend to?" I asked, barely redirecting my attention.

"No, Mistress. Just an inquiry." Diaval answered, inclining his head in my direction before transforming into a raven and flying off.

I felt a small twinge of regret in the lie, but remembered the events of last night and put that feeling to rest. There was no mission in Othorin. I'd simply told Arya that to give her the opportunity to leave. Arya had clearly said last night that she wished I'd never saved her and that she could leave the Moors. I was simply giving her that chance. Ungrateful girl. Clearly she'd only stuck around because of the life debt she owed me. No one knew why she left, or that she was gone, aside from Diaval. Only when Arya finally realizes her mistake and comes back with her tail in between her legs, will I even think of forgiving her.


I'd arrived at the border of the Moors and Othorin. It had taken most of the day and my paws were tired, but I couldn't risk turning into a raven. Diaval would find me easily that way, and Maleficent was adamant that no one could know of this mission. She was acting odd though. Her magic was a mix of gold and auburn these days. The green that surrounded her magic seven years ago was only a memory. But I was certain I'd seen her eyes flash green with magic this morning. The sun was sinking beneath the horizon of the sea, so I hurriedly crossed the border between the lands into Othorin.

It was no secret among other kingdoms that Othorin was the darkest, both physically and mentally, of all the lands. They were infamous for their poaching, but known even moreso for their slave trade. I wanted to shift from my wolf form to a raven for the night, but my vision and senses of smell and hearing were heightened in this form, and it was too dangerous to even think of shifting to human. I traversed further into the woods, trying to find a safe spot to sleep for the night.

The wind was blowing eerily throughout the leafless trees. It was rapidly approaching winter, and this place felt it the most. Dead and rotting leaves crunched softly under my paws despite all my efforts to keep silent. My eyesight, although great, was becoming more and more useless as it grew darker, the new moon not helping matters. I was having to rely on smell and hearing to navigate. I had just located a smaller copse of trees to sleep against when I picked up the scent of rabbit. My mouth watered; I hadn't eaten since yesterday and I was starving. I marked the territory to find it after I hopefully caught the rabbit. I could see about sixty feet in front of me, and the rabbit was somewhere beyond that. My stomach growled painfully, and I winced at the volume. My ears were pricked, listening for the rabbit's whereabouts, but I didn't hear a flurry of sound indicating running. I crept forward as silently as possible, finally seeing the rabbit at the edge of my vision. I carefully positioned myself downwind from the animal and slunk forward. Just as I was about to pounce, a loud snap! echoed and the rabbit bounded away. I made a half-hearted lunge for it, but it was well out of range.

An audible click! was heard as I landed, and before I could blink, a cage had folded up from the ground, completely encompassing me. The bars were crossed back and forth, preventing any sort of escape. I tried to transform into something small enough to get out, but the magic failed to work. Twisting to look at the pendant on my neck, it glowed red, glowing brighter and hotter as it got closer to the bars. Iron. Iron was affecting the magic. I bowed my head to my chest, trying to block the chain from the effect of the iron. I yelped at the heat emanating from the pendant; it had burned my fur. The pain made my vision hazy and my legs started to weaken. I let out an anguished howl before I collapsed into darkness.


Chapter 2 is here! Let me know what you think! We get a little peek into Diaval's pov next ;)


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