Chapter 3

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Confused. Shocked. Disappointed.Angry. That's what I felt when I heard Harry's words. Was this some kind of sick joke? But when I looked into his eyes, I knew. He was serious. This wasn't a joke that he just made up.

And just like that, my head began spinning. All the things that happened these last few days finally crashed down on me, leaving me with a pounding headache and weak knees. All those sleepless nights of worrying about Harry. All the apologies. Nothing. Nothing could come out of my mouth. What was I supposed to say? I staggered backward but a pair of strong hands caught me before my body could give out and fall to the ground.

"Are you okay?" A gentle voice whispered. Zayn's voice. I didn't answer. My head was swirling and it felt as if I was rooted to the ground. I wanted to turn around and go. To convince myself that this was just a bad dream but for a reason I just couldn't understand, I stayed.

"Harry? Is this a joke? She's Kate." Louis said from behind me and Zayn. He said it like it was the answer to everything. Like saying my name would explain everything he needed to know. I was half expecting him to laugh it off and say that he was just goofing around. He didn't do it though. Instead, he looked more confused than before.

The doctor came inside the room. If he felt the tension in the atmosphere, he didn't show it. He strode calmly towards Harry's bed and asked us if we could give him a few minutes alone with Harry. I was reluctant to leave but I still turned around and walked out of the room with Zayn guiding me.

The boys had their eyes locked on me. They didn't have to say it out loud for me to know what they were feeling. Pity. I've been with the boys long enough for them to learn to read me like an open book. They knew that I wasn't okay. Nevertheless, I still forced a tight smile on my face. I hoped that it would make them pity me less. I didn't want to see their sympathetic looks. It only made things seem worse than they really were.

"Don't worry, Kate. He probably isn't feeling well enough to keep his mind straight. It's no big deal." Liam says as he puts his hand on my shoulder. It sounded more like he was trying to convince himself and not the other way around. I gave him a curt nod and sat on one of the chairs on the side. I buried my face on my hands and sighed.

After a few excruciating minutes, the doctor finally came out. We all shot up from our seats. He said that they would run some tests on him to find out what was going on. For a brief moment he flashed me a sympathetic look. Well, it seems like I'll be getting more of those today. The only one who didn't show me any sign of sympathy was Audrey. She threw some frowns here and there probably thinking that I thought she was sympathizing with me.

It was her eyes that gave her away. The expression on her face looked sad for me but her eyes told another story. It was like she wanted this to happen. That maybe if Harry forgot me then she could have him back. I groaned and shook my head. What am I thinking? She wouldn't do that. My headache was making things worse and making me think of things that were nearly impossible. I shook my thoughts away. This wasn't the time for that. I needed to know what was happening with Harry.

Audrey and the boys went back inside the room. Zayn was the only one who stayed outside with me. I couldn't go back there. Not yet. I couldn't go in there and act as if nothing was wrong when everything inside me screamed bloody hell. Zayn took my hand in his silently offering the comfort that I needed. I didn't try to pull my hand away from his because I was afraid that if I did then I'd break down right on the spot.

The following days went by too slow for my liking. I visited Harry in the hospital but my visits only happened when he was asleep. I haven't talked to him since the day he woke up in the hospital. I couldn't handle it yet. I was too afraid of what he'd say. I was anxious for the results to finally come out. The boys kept me informed on what was happening with Harry.

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