Date night

12 2 0

He brought you to a nice restaurant and got the best seats in the whole place!

"Thank you"

"For what?"

"All of this."

He laughed and grabbed your hand and started to softly rub it. The waiter came by and served you a glass of wine (Or another drink of your choice even VOdkA)

"Your drinks" The waiter said Levi nodded and he walked away



"Everyone seems to obey you" "Almost like your a Celebrity"

"Well I do own and model for the biggest modelling agency so"


Then the waiter brought your food and it was ok since it was the smallest portions of food so it wasn't a delicacy.

"Whats wrong"

"Oh nothing I'm just hungry"

"But we just ate."

"I know but-"

"Ohhhhh I get it" "Your "Hungry for "Food""


"Hungry for me."


He laid his head back and laughed

"It's fine your hot I don't mind"

You were trying not to blush while he left the money on the table and brought you back to his car.



"Where are we going?"

"You'll see."

He started to pull up to a small house in the middle of know where and carried you inside.

My Boss (Y/N and Levi)Where stories live. Discover now