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""= talking  bold= bad writing and changes though my writing does improve 

it was the day after jaune saved cardin in forever falls                                                  

cardin "well hello team RWBY and team JNPR" weiss "what do you want cardin" cardin "wonder did you know one of you had faked your way into beacon? weiss "WHAT WHO DID IT THEY WILL PAY FOR IT pyrrha "𝐃𝐎𝐍'𝐓 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐃𝐀𝐑𝐄 𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐃𝐈𝐍 " phyrra "don't you dare CARDIN" yang/weiss "you know about this pyrrha if you do spill it" cardin "let me just spill it it was jaune he faked his way into beacon" weiss "so it was you jaune YOU MADE A MISTAKE jaune you shouldn't have cheated jaune while we had hull our backs off you just cheated "guys we can talk about this" teams WBY and NR walk up towards jaune juane " GUYS PLEASE I CAN EXPLAIN" pyrrha "back off guys" weiss "WHY ARE YOU PROTECTING HIM HE CHEATED HIS WAY INTO BEACON" pyrrha "DON'T YOU REALIZE HE SURVIVED THE INTIATEA THAT MEANS HE IS CAPABLE to be in beacon and be my leader" yang shocks pyrrha jaune "pyrrha no guys why" cardin "you lied that's why" time skip as they battered jaune to a pulp they didn't realize that jaune's aura was corrupted so it did not work                      

glynda "these kid better have a good reason for making me miss work" glynda thought because she has lots of paperwork to do glynda "alright what's going on she.. says as she enters into the cafeteria and stops at the final word cardin/wby/nr "..." glynda "WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON" 

cardin/wby/nr "WE CAN EXPLAIN!" they say in a panic" glynda "WELL EXPLAIN WHY YOUR ATTAKING JAUNE AND WHY PHYRRA'S UNCONSCIOUS cardin "well it's because jaune had faked his way into beacon and because of that we attacked him and pyrrha was protecting him so yang shocked her glynda "sigh your idiots" cardin/wby/nr "what do you mean" glynda "ozpin already knew'' cardin/wby/nr "...WHAT" glynda "yep and he allowed him in because he saw something in him and you shall be punished know i need to check his ..." cardin/wby/nr worried "glynda?" glynda shocked "ho.. how" cardin/wby/nr scared "whats going on is jaune alright" glynda "jaune he has no aura and his brain has a concussion everyone in cafeteria "...WHAT!!!" timeskip 

jaune after the happing was transferred to the medical bay they have been healing him but he won't wake up soon the school learned he was unconscious but soon he will awake but He'll never be the same jaune they remember "why.. why did this happen i just wanted to fulfill the family legacy why? did it come to this  i trusted them.......  "I TRUSTED THEM 𝐀𝐇𝐇𝐇𝐇𝐇𝐇𝐇𝐇𝐇𝐇𝐇" he then saw a weird light engulf him it was all white then he could see thousands of elements floating around "where the hell am i" then a tv turned on and it told him about them they were elements and powers he was shocked he realized that he can get one and get a semblance but then he heard something jaune "wh.. what is that?" jaune it Sayed it scared him but a feeling of calm and concentration filled him ??????? "look deeper don't let the temptation and greed consume you concentrate clear your mind " jaune was surprised by what it said this was by far too strange no matter how untrust worthy it sounded he decided to do it he then sat down in a criss cross pattern and cleared his mind he then let his mind and instincts move him he then saw a bright light while the other lights disappeared he saw it a huge crystal pure black no light can escape it but it glowed brightly like it's the light it's self he then touched it it bolted into his chest jaune "   𝐀𝐇𝐇𝐇𝐇𝐇𝐇𝐇𝐇𝐇𝐇𝐇𝐇𝐇𝐇𝐇𝐇𝐇𝐇" but soon he felt calm and safe and softness serenity joy and felt soothed it was like the crystal was talked to him he then saw thousands of creatures and powers he felt them like they were real calling for him ??? "jaune" a voice called for him jaune "who are you?" 

jaune afton nullverse general "disowned" read and it might give you cancer_aidsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ