cardin's secret

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bold means intense scene like sex or fight or if i want to italic means thoughts underline means info or other and i just now noticed i barely use italic for some reason but i also forgot to mention that the lewd virus messes with the dna of females making there sexual parts bigger like there tits ass along with there pussy flaps

it was a day after the happing at beacon the girls kept silent about the whole thing but jaune knew that they saw it then soon weiss came around with a very pretty dress she then asked her team mates what they think of it but jaune knew that it was pointed at jaune so jaune decide to play with weiss pyrrha noticed is face and knew what he was about to do 

weiss "so guys how do you think of my dress" rby " I think it looks pretty" rn "i think it looks nice" jaune "i think it's okay" weiss took a moment to process the fact that jaune didn't call her pretty and thought she looked okay "what do you mean i look okay" "well it does look nice but it's basic in my sense" weiss's eye twitched the factor he did it again "you mean pretty right" "nope basic it's just okay basic" weiss's eye was starting to get twitchy from what jaune was saying in terms of commoners in her sense she was proposing to jaune and he rejected it like that goth girl down the alley way was the one doing it her mental fortitude was getting weaker which indicated that she had become very attached to the idea of making jaune her husband making him give her his children she was already annoyed that he had sex with pyrrha and obviously got her pregnant  but the factor she was being rejected in a sense was mind breaking for her ruby noticed this but sense she was young she didn't know what it meant but her innocents is somewhat gone because of what she had seen yesterday yang was getting worried about his behavior she knows that they had bullied him but the way he acted was not him "jaune are you all right" "what do you mean yang" "well you'd usually pounce on the chance to flirt with her and call her pretty but what you are saying is getting me on edge" "what do you mean this is how i normally act" jaune said meanwhile jaune was dying inside because of how funny this was becoming meanwhile pyrrha in her head was on the floor losing her shit even though she was a famous champion she was not able to hold it in so she did the laughing her mind "but still weiss is just okay in that basic dress and what are you on about she looks okay so what's everyone going on about anyway I'm going to get some air and kill some Grimm soon jaune walked out and went to emerald forest to lift some grimm

                                                  KING CRIMSON

it was half an hour jaune had left to lift some grimm weiss then found him literally lifting some grimm like they were nothing and soon noticed that he had no shirt on and she was not only having a nose bleed from his ten pack which is literally breaking rocks with no problem but also was getting wet in her panties wanting him so bad so she soon made it look like she was going for a bath and went into her bathing suit for her

it was half an hour jaune had left to lift some grimm weiss then found him literally lifting some grimm like they were nothing and soon noticed that he had no shirt on and she was not only having a nose bleed from his ten pack which is literally b...

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soon jaune heard something in the distance "hmmm what is that from what i can tell no one would be here except weiss is she trying to get me to bring her into my harem right by pyrrha" soon jaune went over and just as he suspected but was surprised by her cloths a very hot weiss just sitting there waiting to be fucked and impregnated by her white knight  just in a position where her stomach is on the ground and weiss pretending to be just siting there with no reason at all to suspect jaune was behind her but she had some hidden glass near by so she knows he's there and hopes he starts undoing his pants and under ware so he can unleash the beast and fuck her till she becomes pregnant 

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