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italic because i'm lazy  italic for thoughts bold italic = thoughs during battle and all images go to there owners no images or picture belong to me

pov pyrrha "why jaune why did they do this too you they do not deserver to be your friends why... i love you jaune i will protect you the best i can just please stay with me" she says not realizing that jaune woke up and heard jaune "wow pyrrha i'm so sorry that i did not notice your attempts i feel like a fucker and cunt but there is stll time for me to redeem myself and to fix your broken heart and give you the love you deserve " jaune then decide that he would move his hand abit but enough to get pyrrha's attention and it work she notices it and looks over him with a hum thinking she saw him move then out of no where jaune kissed pyrrha deeply this shocks her but she melts into it then they separate for air pyrrha "JAUNE YOUR OKAY OH MY GOD I THOUGHT YOU NEVER WAKE UP" pyrrha said in a rush jaune "who calm down pyrrha plz i don't need you to mess up your beautiful body and face" jaune said in a teasing manner pyrrha's body turned strawberry red by what jaune said pyrrha "jaune why did you kiss me" jaune "because i heard what you said about liking me and because i'm not dense anymore still your cute" pyrrha blushed even more pyrrha "plz jaune could you stop that" pyrrha said flustered jaune "sigh pyrrha you are so cute when flustered" jaune "so?.. what happen to them" jaune asked in a confused tone pyrrha "they had entire month of detention and intensive training" pyrrha said annoyed at them jaune "calm down pyrrha they are getting there punishment as of right now so don't worry about that" said jaune

"in time i will give them my punishment but for now let's go train with my new powers" said jaune pyrrha socked "ho-ho-how!? did you get gifted by monty oum to get powers after that beat down by them" pyrrha said shocked jaune then just laughs "hahahaha ha ha ohhh" pyrrha confused "what's funny?" said pyrrha then  jaune said "there is someone so much more powerful then monty pyrrha so much more but i'm not being rude to him" jaune then snickers "but i met him after that beat down and he gave me my powers"                      

                                                        KING CRIMSON

it was 30minutes after that they then enter the court yard where team's wby/nr/crdl are giving punishment training glynda then noticed jaune was fine but it should have taken why longer for him to be up glynda "jaune how are you up you should still be stuck in bed after that injury" jaune don't worry about it MS. glynda" jaune said with a new tone that wby/nr/crdl noticed but ignored it because of how angry glynda is so they keep working but then jaune said something that shocked them all jaune how about i fight cardin and test out my new powers" jaune said in a confident tone this shocked cardin and the rest but he was nervous he had never heard jaune like this so he was scared monty oum had given something to jaune  cardin "okay" he said nervous they then walked out onto the arena then students then crowed because of the fight that jaune arc requested against cardin jaune "so cardick how about it test my new power on myself" this made cardin dickchester mad but paranoid about what jaune is talking about then a dark glow spread out form him with shocked the students then what they saw gave then terror they saw a clone of jaune but something that will be burned into there minds for the rest of there lives 

 glynda" jaune said with a new tone that wby/nr/crdl noticed but ignored it because of how angry glynda is so they keep working but then jaune said something that shocked them all jaune how about i fight cardin and test out my new powers" jaune sa...

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